differences between virtual yoga and in person yoga training

5 Differences Between Virtual Yoga and In-Person Yoga Trainings

The rise of virtual yoga has provided practitioners with an alternative to traditional in-person classes and trainings. While both options share the common goal of promoting health and wellness, there are key differences between the two.  There are also distinct benefits of each.

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What is the biggest benefit of doing a Virtual Yoga Teacher Training?

The biggest benefit of doing a Virtual Yoga Teacher Training is flexibility and accessibility. Online courses can be accessed from anywhere in the world, allowing students to participate without the need to travel or relocate. This convenience enables individuals with busy schedules, limited budgets, or those living in areas with limited access to yoga studios to pursue a yoga teacher certification at their own pace and on their own time.

What is the biggest benefit of doing an In-Person Yoga Teacher Training?

On the other hand, the biggest benefit of doing an In-Person Yoga Teacher Training is the immersive experience and hands-on guidance. In-person trainings foster a strong sense of community and connection among participants, allowing for direct interaction with instructors and fellow students. This face-to-face environment enables students to receive immediate feedback, hands-on adjustments, and personalized guidance, which can be invaluable for deepening one’s practice and developing teaching skills. Additionally, the immersive nature of in-person trainings can facilitate more focused learning and a deeper understanding of the practice.

In this article though we said we’d outline the key differences.  So, here are five notable distinctions between virtual and in-person yoga trainings:

1. Location and Accessibility

Virtual yoga trainings can be accessed from anywhere, requiring only an internet connection and a device for streaming. This convenience eliminates the need for travel and offers flexibility for those with busy schedules or limited access to local yoga studios. In-person trainings, on the other hand, require physical attendance, which may involve commuting or even traveling to a different city or country.

2. Interaction and Community

In-person trainings foster a sense of community and allow for direct interaction between instructors and students. Participants can ask questions, receive immediate feedback, and form connections with fellow practitioners. Virtual trainings, while offering some level of interaction through chat functions or video calls, may not provide the same depth of connection as face-to-face encounters.

3. Learning Environment

In-person trainings often take place in dedicated yoga studios with a conducive atmosphere for learning and practicing. Virtual trainings, however, rely on the individual’s home environment, which may not be as ideal for fostering focus and immersion in the practice.

4. Hands-on Adjustments

In-person trainings allow instructors to provide hands-on adjustments, helping students refine their alignment and deepen their practice. This level of personal guidance is challenging to replicate in a virtual setting, where instructors can only provide verbal cues and demonstrations.

5. Cost

Virtual yoga trainings are often more affordable than in-person courses, as they eliminate expenses related to travel, accommodation, and studio rentals. For those on a budget or seeking a more cost-effective option, virtual trainings can be a viable alternative.


While both virtual and in-person yoga trainings offer unique benefits and challenges, choosing the right format ultimately depends on individual preferences, needs, and circumstances. It’s essential to weigh the advantages and drawbacks of each option to determine the most suitable training experience.