cpr aed certification online

The 4 Best CPR/AED Certifications Online

Have you ever been in a situation where someone became unconscious, and you panicked and didn’t know what to do? Well, that’s what a CPR/AED certification is for. It helps you figure out ways to respond in emergencies. We live in a world where anyone could experience a life-threatening heart attack or even stop breathing for a while. During such situations, most people panic, and if you don’t have the tools to help you deal with it while you wait for 911 to respond and come to a victim’s rescue, then life may be lost. Such skills are essential for every individual to have, even fitness instructors because when training clients, such an event could occur, and one needs to know how to respond.

CPR/AED certification courses help you identify when someone has constricted breathing or cardiac arrest and help them as you wait for medical emergency services to arrive. These courses equip you with tools to properly learn the best chest compression methods and even how to help a victim breathe through artificial ventilation. You’ll also learn how to prepare a victim for a shock, deliver it, and use an AED machine. Earning these certifications is quite easy because there are online CPR/AED certifications that you can easily complete, and they take between 90 to 120 minutes.

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What is CPR/AED?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure you can perform if a person stops breathing or their heartbeat stops. On the other hand, an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a portable device for treating people suffering from sudden cardiac arrest or heart attack, which is considered fatal. Both procedures are taught in conjunction with each other. CPR teaches you how to recognize someone suffering from cardiac arrest and administer artificial compression and CPR chest compressions. An AED certification also ensures you learn how to use AED equipment and administer shock. 

When did CPR become a standard of lifesaving?

The first event of using CPR to help a victim was first in 1530-1800. Back then, it was known as The Bellows Method, first used by the Swiss physician Paracelsus. Dr. Leonard Cobba, a cardiologist, did the first mass training in CPR, and during the first two years of the program, he helped train more than 100,000 people. In the 1990s, there was more public access since training and resources like AEDs were given to the public so they could resuscitate cardiac arrest victims. As time passes, CPR/AED techniques are being introduced to help save lives before the emergency medical team arrives at your rescue. This information is helpful to everyone in the general public to have so they can help save lives. 

What does it take to become CPR/AED Certified?

Since CPR is a lifesaving procedure, even children upto the age of ten are allowed to get certified. So this means there is no age limit to accessing this knowledge. To become certified, you need to learn how to do compressions. Compressions help restore blood flow; you can learn to do this in children and adults. You will also need to learn how to open a victim’s airways. After you know how to perform chest compressions, clearing a person’s airways is something you can do by tilting their chin or head. When opening airways, you also need to know whether the victim’s airways are open and back to normal breathing. 

In your CPR course, you’ll learn how to give mouth-mouth breathing properly. After offering help, you need to know how to put your victim into a recovery position that will keep the airways open. The recovery position also ensures that the person doesn’t choke on fluids or vomit. The CPR/AED certification only takes a few hours to earn, and if you have already mastered the above pointers, you’ll easily ace your exam and earn that certification.

Who is a CPR/AED Certification for?

Emergencies happen all the time around us, and medical professionals have in-depth training on what to do in such situations. Everyone should also be able to have these skills so they can help in case someone needs help instead of sitting helplessly while waiting for emergency medical services. People who should learn CPR/AED include: 

  • Parents: The little bundles of joy commonly known as children can often land themselves in dangerous situations, and it’s good for parents to learn these skills as it could help save a child’s life. Even though it seems far-fetched, it isn’t since children can easily choke on food, fall from high places, or even drown in water. Having such skills might help save a little one’s life. 
  • Emergency responders: Even though everyone in the general public should know CPR, it’s even more necessary for emergency responders to learn it. If called into a situation where the witnesses don’t know how to act, firefighters and law enforcement officers should know what to do in emergencies to help save victims’ lives. 
  • Medical professionals: Everyone depends on medical professionals to help in case of such emergencies, and it would be a shame if one didn’t know basic CPR/AED. If one seems not to have done both in quite a while, it is important to refresh such knowledge as it comes in handy. 
  • Caregivers and teachers: Like parents, these groups deal with people who need their help. Older adults have lots of mobility issues which tends to land them in lots of trouble for the most part. When caregivers have CPR/AED knowledge, it gets easy to help them. Teachers in schools tend to deal with a lot of naughty kids, and sometimes even though mischief is fun, it lands children in trouble, and a teacher should know how to help. 
  • Fitness professionals: Emergencies can also occur in the gym. Thus, a fitness professional must learn how to perform CPR/AED as it may help someone. Also, most gyms require one to have these certifications to get employed. 

Typically, everyone must learn CPR/AED so they can help when emergency situations arise in their presence. The more people learn CPR/AED, the safer it will be for everyone because there will be less risk of accidental death. 

The 4 Best CPR/AED Certifications Online

1. ISSA- CPR/AED Certification Program

ISSA offers an online self-paced, interactive, multi-media training CPR/AED course. This course takes between 30 to 60 minutes to complete and earn a certification. Suppose you already have a CPR/AED certification and are only looking for a renewal. In that case, you must first inquire whether your employment or insurance accepts the online course you’re about to pursue. Upon getting the course material and learning, you will get tested, and once you’ve passed the exam, you’ll get an instant certification. ISSA offers this course for only $49. If you’re a coach, personal trainer, or fitness instructor, getting this ISSA course will boost your acceptability rate at work. 

2. International Open Academy: CPR & First Aid

Be prepared for accidents and emergency health situations with the online International Open Academy CPR and First Aid training course. In five comprehensive modules, you will learn essential first aid basics, including how to treat wounds, handle shock, and understand the science behind CPR. While the course does not provide a formal qualification for professional practice, it serves as a valuable starting point, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in emergency situations.

Course highlights

  • Acquire practical tips and techniques used by experts in first aid and CPR
  • Learn the basics of treating wounds, handling shock, and performing CPR successfully
  • Gain confidence in handling emergency situations and providing life-saving aid

Who is this course for?

  • Group leaders, employers, sports coaches, and teachers seeking to handle accidents and prevent medical situations from worsening
  • Parents wanting to confidently assist their children in cases of cuts or falls during play
  • Responsible adults who understand the importance of prompt action in life-saving situations before emergency services arrive
  • All courses are accredited by the International Council for Online Educational Standards (www.icoes.org), and successful completion entitles students to purchase an ICOES certificate.

Career path

While this course does not lead to a formal qualification for professional practice, it may spark an interest in pursuing healthcare careers such as first responder, registered nurse, or caregiver, prompting further studies and specialization in the field.

3. American HealthCare Academy- CPR Certification Online

American HealthCare Academy has certified over 1 million students to perform CPR/AED and other proven techniques. With 11 years of teaching, they’re a great place to get your CPR/AED certification. This course will equip you with skills to help a child or adult in an emergency and save lives. If you still haven’t had your first aid certification, you can choose another combo that contains CPR and First aid or even select a CPR/AED course. They offer various course combinations to benefit you. Their CPR course costs only $14.95. 

4. Complete Safety Training- Emergency First Aid & CPR-C/AED

Looking for courses that will help you land employment, especially when you’re a fitness professional, can be challenging, especially if these certifications are separate. But Complete Safety Training offers all these courses as a combination for you. By taking this course, you will be able to have all the lifesaving skills you need, either professionally or otherwise. This course meets the Department of Labour guidelines and requirements for employment, making it an excellent decision for you. 

Final thoughts

A CPR/AED certification is arguably a must-have for every person. Emergencies happen around us, and knowing how to respond in such situations saves lives. These courses are cheap and take just a few hours to complete and get certified. If you’ve been looking for a worthy CPR/AED course, we’ve put together a couple of them for you to choose from. They’re all amazing courses from recognized institutions and will help you attain knowledge and earn a recognizable certification.