Energy Healing

Exploring Cho Ku Rei

Cho Ku Rei, pronounced as "choh-koo-ray," is a sacred symbol used in Reiki practice. Its name translates to "placing all the power of the universe here" or "God and man...

How Everything Is Made of Energy

You have probably heard at some point that everything around us, and the human body, is made of or functions because of different forms of energy. These energies include electrical...

10 Benefits of Reiki for Anxiety

Reiki healing is excellent for many things. It is linked to emotional and physical health benefits, some of which can have life-changing impacts. People use Reiki to recover from injuries,...

The Best Duality Course Out There

Everyone seeks to improve themselves and make life better for themselves. The understanding that good physical health is coupled tightly with energies created and harbored in the body. What if...