Kundalini Teacher Training Online Photo: Instagram @northernlightyoga

The Best Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Online [2024]

Becoming a Kundalini Yoga teacher encompasses a multifaceted journey driven by diverse motivations. Many are drawn to this path by the profound personal transformation it offers. Kundalini Yoga emphasizes self-awareness, well-being, and spiritual connection, appealing to those seeking personal growth and inner balance. By specializing in this ancient practice and becoming a teacher, individuals can share the wisdom and techniques they’ve acquired, guiding others on a journey of growth and self-discovery.

kundalini yoga teacher training

Photo: Instagram @adelafreyhoveryoga

One of the powerful motivators behind becoming a Kundalini yoga teacher is the desire to help others. Kundalini Yoga is renowned for its ability to alleviate stress and promote healing, offering practitioners tools to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and clarity. Teachers are privileged to guide students toward well-being, leaving them with a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. Teaching Kundalini Yoga is not just a career choice; it’s a calling—a path that allows instructors to positively impact the lives of others while deepening their spiritual connection.

Through a blend of physical postures, breathwork, Kundalini mantras, and meditation, practitioners learn to harness the potent energy of Kundalini and channel it along the chakras, fostering heightened awareness and spiritual growth. Kundalini Yoga’s holistic approach addresses the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit, offering practitioners a transformative journey toward inner peace and self-discovery.

Studies have shown that Kundalini Yoga can positively impact mental health, reducing symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety. Additionally, practitioners often experience increased lung capacity and deep relaxation through regular practice. Kundalini Yoga’s unique combination of movements, breathwork, and meditation cultivates spiritual awareness while aligning body and spirit, offering practitioners a path to holistic well-being and inner fulfillment. Read further to explore the best Kundalini yoga teacher training online.

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Understanding Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

kundalini instructor training

Photo: Instagram @panchnishan

Participating in a Kundalini Yoga teacher training program offers a deep understanding of the theoretical and philosophical aspects of Kundalini Yoga, often sparking a personal transformation. Throughout the training, students are encouraged to engage in self-reflection and introspection.

Teacher trainers guide future Kundalini instructors in creating and leading classes tailored to students from diverse backgrounds and unique needs. These courses extend beyond physical postures, leaning into the spiritual aspects of Kundalini yoga and emphasizing the connection between mind, body, and spirit.

Becoming a Kundalini yoga teacher requires dedication, discipline, and an open heart and mind. Participants often find themselves immersed in a supportive community of like-minded individuals who seek the full potential of Kundalini energy.

Upon completing a program, graduates often emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and a deep desire to share the power of Kundalini yoga with others.

The Best Online Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training [2024]

As the popularity of Kundalini yoga continues to rise, many people are turning to online platforms to learn from the comfort of their homes. Online classes cater to every skill level, from beginners to advanced practitioners and teacher training programs.

Below are some of the best Kundalini yoga teacher training online:

  1. Brett Larkin Yoga Uplifted
  2. Yoga Farm Ithaca
  3. Full Circle Yoga School
  4. Vinyasa Yogashala

Each of these courses provides comprehensive resources for learning, practicing, and teaching Kundalini yoga, and the schools are widely known as some of the best yoga teacher training in the world. However, choosing a course that aligns with your specific goals, interests, and skill level is essential.

Consider the following factors when selecting a course:

  • Focus and Skill Level: Determine whether the course suits beginners, intermediate practitioners, or those seeking advanced training.
  • Curriculum and Content: Review the course syllabus to ensure it covers topics and techniques that interest you.
  • Instructor Credentials: Research the instructors’ backgrounds and qualifications to ensure they are experienced and reputable.
  • Student Reviews and Testimonials: Review past participants’ feedback to gauge the course’s effectiveness and quality.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can choose a Kundalini yoga teacher training course that meets your needs and supports your personal and spiritual growth journey.

1. Brett Larkin Yoga Uplifted: Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

Brett Larkin Yoga Uplifted - Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training
Photo: Brett Larkin Yoga Uplifted

Brett Larkin’s Yoga Uplifted platform offers a 30-hour course titled “Kundalini Demystified,” designed for Kundalini beginners and teachers seeking a deeper understanding of the practice. The course covers the fundamental principles of Kundalini Yoga, including correct movement execution, and explores the origins of Kundalini Yoga and its relationship with Sikhism. Additionally, participants receive guidance on incorporating Kundalini Yoga into their current practice and teaching methods.

Another offering from Brett Larkin is Kundalini University, a 200-hour accredited yoga teacher training co-led by Brett Larkin and Guru Singh, a seasoned practitioner with over 50 years of experience in Kundalini Yoga. This kundalini yoga teacher training program aims to provide personalized training to aspiring practitioners and instructors. Participants can access video replays, live training sessions, and an interactive community to refine their practice.

While some may be skeptical about the effectiveness of online Kundalini Yoga training, students have praised Kundalini University for its comprehensive curriculum and interactive approach. The program caters to practitioners of all skill levels and fulfills continuing education requirements for RYT 200 certification.

To participate in these training programs, students need a computer with a webcam, a stable internet connection, and access to Google Docs for documentation and testing materials.

2. Yoga Farm Ithaca: Kundalini Teacher Training

Kundalini Yoga Courses Online - Yoga Farm Ithaca
Photo: Yoga Farm Ithaca

The Kundalini Warrior Kundalini teacher training program offered by Yoga Farm Ithaca is a 12-week, live-taught online YTT that certifies students to teach Kundalini Yoga. Experienced instructors design the program to accommodate individuals of all ages, body types, and experience levels.

Upon completing the training, graduates are qualified to teach Kundalini Yoga, a practice with roots dating back to the 6th century and now supported by modern science. This Kundalini yoga online program emphasizes self-discovery, allowing students to journey deep within themselves to find answers to their questions and learn to listen to their own unique experiences.

Yoga Farm Ithaca’s commitment to accessibility is reflected in the program’s format, which includes live online classes three times per week for three months, optional office hours, bonus classes, workshops, and replays available for all sessions. Additionally, students have up to six months from the end of live classes to complete the certification.

The program fee for the Kundalini Warrior Yoga Teacher Training is as follows:

  • $1,899 as a one-time payment
  • $399 per month for 6 months
  • $179 per month for 12 months

While the program equips graduates to teach Kundalini Yoga, it also prepares them to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and clarity. Learn more about this school in our Yoga Farm Ithaca review.

3. Full Circle Yoga School: Kundalini Yoga Certification Online

Kundalini Yoga Training Online
Photo: Full Circle Yoga School

Full Circle Yoga School offers an online Kundalini Yoga Certification program accredited by Yoga Alliance. The program is designed to elevate the mind, body, and spirit. Led by instructor Jolie Willson, who brings over 20 years of experience in yoga, meditation, and intuitive arts, it aims to reveal profound truths, foster well-being, and facilitate healing through yoga.

Students in the program will be able to deepen their spirituality and awareness while learning fundamental concepts of Kundalini awakening. The curriculum covers various topics, including Kundalini Tantra philosophies, cleansing exercises, meditation, joint movement, Kundalini rituals, and Kundalini anatomy.

Upon completing the course, students will earn certification and a 200-hour Yoga Alliance credential through Full Circle Yoga School, an officially recognized Registered Yoga School (RYS).

While the program fee is $999 as a one-time payment, students will receive lifetime access to their teacher, allowing them to ask questions and continue their education indefinitely.

4. Vinyasa Yogashala: Online Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

kundalini yoga teacher training online -
Photo: Vinyasa Yogashala

Vinyasa Yogashala offers a comprehensive 200-hour Online Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program to give participants a strong understanding of Kundalini Yoga and related practices. The course covers various aspects of Kundalini Yoga, meditation techniques, and the importance of anatomy in yoga practice.

Upon completing this course, you will earn an accredited certification with Yoga Alliance and be well-prepared to initiate your classes, work with individual clients, teach online sessions, or choose the teaching style that best aligns with your preferences. This course equips you with the proper methods to unleash Kundalini energy.

If you are looking for an affordable Kundalini yoga certification that will teach you everything you need to know, at $390 USD, then this course by Vinyasa Yogashala is perfect for you.

Concluding the Best Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

Kundalini Yoga serves as a gateway to unlock the latent energy residing deep within your spine. The objective is to release this energy through a combination of movement, specialized breathing techniques, and more.  

full circle yoga school kundalini

Photo: Full Circle Yoga School

The path to becoming a Kundalini Yoga teacher is a profound journey that offers both personal transformation and the opportunity to guide others on their own spiritual quests. The best Kundalini Yoga teacher training programs, as explored in this overview, provide a solid foundation, encompassing traditional wisdom and modern techniques.

Each program has its unique strengths, allowing aspiring teachers to choose the one that resonates most with their values and teaching style. Beyond certification, the true essence of a Kundalini Yoga teacher lies in their authentic embodiment of the practice, nurturing the well-being of their students, and creating a community of like-minded individuals seeking self-discovery. Ultimately, embarking on this path is not just a career choice; it is a calling that enriches one’s life while facilitating a positive impact on the lives of others.