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The Key to Learning How to Manifest

What if we told you that positive thoughts and behaviors led to positive results? No, we aren’t talking about karma. This is the basis of manifestation. At its core, manifestation is the practice of visualizing and pondering positive aspirations into reality through your energy, and it’s not as farfetched as you might think.

The key to manifestation is the belief in your aspirations and the positive energy you are creating for the process while working towards your goal. Trust that the universe will help you achieve your manifestation ambitions, but don’t expect it to align with your plans of when, where, or how this occurs.

Read on for a complete guide on how to start manifesting and the possibilities of manifestation and its best coaches. By the end of this article, you should be able to manifest any ambition you set your mind to almost instantly.

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How do I Learn to Manifest?

The concept of manifestation might seem abstract and difficult to grasp, but in reality, anyone could learn to manifest if they follow these easy steps. In the table below, you’ll find the steps to help you learn to manifest.

6 Easy Steps to ManifestationWhat to Do
Step 1: Assess Your Starting Point• Before you create any sort of goal or ambition to manifest, self-reflect on where you are in life at the current time and how you will feel after your goal has manifested.
• Come to terms with all aspects of your life, good and bad, or you won’t be able to effectively use your positive energy to manifest properly, and you are more likely to become discouraged and give up.
• The more honest you are with yourself at the beginning, the better. This especially pertains to your motivations.
• Ensure there is no negative energy or resistance connected to your goal that would inhibit its ability to manifest.
• Reflect on why you are attempting to manifest and how you would feel after its success. Will this actually make you happy and promote positivity, or is this just a band-aid to a larger issue?
Step 2: Create a Clear Goal• Create a clear vision of what you are hoping to manifest.
• Write down a list of goal manifestations and connect positive descriptors and attributes to each.
• Be detailed in your written goals. For example, if you write something vague, such as “I want a job,” you might receive basic employment that ends up making you miserable. Instead, try “I want a career I am passionate about.”
• Keep your goals inherently positive or even selfless.
• In accordance with the Law of Attraction, the universe will match what you send-out, so positive thoughts and actions will lead to positive results.
Step 3: Communicate Your Goals to the Universe• Use your positive energy to communicate to the universe what you truly want.
• Provide clear direction and keep it positive. The clearer your goals, the easier it will be for the universe to fulfill your desires.
• Unclear goals will leave your manifestations to chance as the universe attempts to guess at what you seek.
• Once you have communicated with the universe, revel in your happiness as if your goal has already manifested in front of you. This will increase your energy further for maximum success.
Step 4: Become Action Driven• It is a common misconception that manifestation users expect the universe to solely provide for them.
• The universe responds to action, so accept and appreciate what you have and then release your positive energy into the world.
• Ex. If your goal is to have more supportive individuals in your life, be supportive of others. This selfless behavior is not only fulfilling but will be rewarded in time by the universe.
Step 5: Recognize What You Receive• Be conscious that manifestation might not always occur the way you think, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t working.
• Be aware of your daily encounters and record them.
• Recognize your goals might have manifested in ways you hadn’t anticipated.
• Ex. if your goal was to have more supportive individuals in your life, and you notice a friend compliments your outfit, they are supporting your sense of style.
• Small manifestations are still successes.
• The point of manifestation is not to gauge its impact but to promote its occurrence through positivity and communication with the universe.
Step 6: Relinquish Control• Recognize that manifestation is not something you can control.
• Be aware that sometimes divine timing will affect your manifestation attempts.
• Continue attempting to manifest things that might be subject to divine timing to help them come to fruition.
• Remain positive and clear about what you want and supplement this with positive actions and high vibrations.
• Acknowledge that control is not essential, and sometimes, it can even be unhealthy and negatively affect you and your energy.
• Relinquishing control and open yourself to the universe and what it has to offer.

Can You Really Manifest Anything?

In essence, yes, you can manifest anything. You are only truly limited by yourself. Again, it is important to keep in mind that manifestations do not always occur the way you want, but how the universe has planned. The practice of manifesting is also deeply rooted in the positive energy you put out into the world and removing any resistance or obstacles that inhibit your positive flow.

With those key elements in mind, you can absolutely manifest anything with determination, motivation, and continual action. As long as you are actively working towards your manifestation goal without trying to force it into reality, you should be able to manifest anything from love to objects to everyday achievements.

There are several things that can help you manifest anything, but one key this is Feng Shui. Learning about the art could be the key to unlocking endless manifestation. Be sure to check out these Feng Shui courses online!

Can You Manifest Money?

As we mentioned before, you can manifest anything if done properly. The key to manifestation, particularly in the case of money, is for it to come from a positive place in your mind rather than a self-serving motivation.

People all over the world want more money, but it doesn’t just fall into their lap because they want it for selfish reasons and don’t recognize what they have that others don’t.

If you truly want to manifest money, start by recognizing how much you have and what positive things you can do with it. Are you self-sufficient while others have to live with friends and family? Can you pay your bills? Do you have enough to buy food? Do you have a steady income? These are all money-related things to be grateful for.

Now, as previously discussed, to properly manifest money, you must create a clear goal, or the universe might simply manifest a nickel on the street for you. This goal should be something positive or even selfless, such as “I want $80 to buy my children new shoes,” or “I want $200 to pay off my debt.”

By providing specific dollar amounts and connecting a positive motive to the ambition, it is far more likely to manifest than expecting wads of cash to fall in your lap.

Who is the Best Manifestation Coach?

If you are passionate about manifestation and incorporating this practice into your daily life, but you’re not sure how perhaps invest in a manifestation coach.

Jon and Missy Butcher are exceptional manifestation coaches that are guaranteed to help you connect with the universe and maximize your vibrations and positive energy through Lifebook at Mindvalley.

Lifebook will become essential to your daily lifestyle and undoubtedly improve your manifest success. The Lifebook lifestyle design system will help you envision, plan, and achieve your life goals. This program focuses on the 12 dimensions of life, which include:

  • Health & Fitness
  • Intellectual
  • Emotional
  • Character
  • Spiritual
  • Love Relationship
  • Parenting
  • Social
  • Career
  • Financial
  • Quality of Life

The Lifebook lifestyle will help you take charge of your life and find new, positive paths to success and personal enrichment you never thought possible before.

LifeBook Online: Direct Your Life

For those of you who want a highly personal experience and can share it with others on the LifeBook journey, consider joining LifeBook Online. This program has the same goals as the Lifebook at Mindvalley but is accomplished over training videos and even coaching calls with Jon and Missy Butcher.

This curriculum also delves into the 12 dimensions of life; however, it is spread over 3-6 hours of weekly work over six weeks. This program is highly beneficial in breaking down an individual’s predispositions and beliefs, then building them back up in a positive, self-serving way that will transfer over into life success.

If you are looking to make a real change in who you are and how you approach life, then LifeBook and LifeBook Online are for you.

How Quickly Can You Manifest Something?

The goal of manifestation shouldn’t be how quickly you can get something. However, we live in a world of instant gratification, and wanting things immediately is almost inherent to modern ideology. Therefore, if you seek to manifest something as quickly as possible, try instant manifestation.

The process of instant manifestation might take some practice, but if you stay determined and follow-through, you’ll be an expert. First-off, vibration is essential here. Everything manifests in the form of vibration before it becomes a reality. 

When it comes to vibrations and manifestations, you receive what you send out, and so, if your goal is to manifest quickly, you will want to raise your vibration as much as possible.  You can do this through intense positive emotions, such as joy and gratitude, and provide clear and detailed manifestation goals.  (for more on how to leverage life’s possibilities see our review on Jim Carrey’s Maharashi University Motivational Speech.)

You should also be sure that no resistance or inner turmoil is occurring before you attempt to manifest. These conflicts and emotions will work against you and inhibit the process.

The best thing to do is to recognize these issues, reconcile them within yourself, and then take time to breathe and calm yourself to a relaxed, positive state with high vibrations before you communicate with the universe.

What Should I Manifest First?

Learning to manifest will definitely take time, practice, and a positive mindset. To prevent you from getting discouraged early on, start your manifestation journey by attempting to manifest something small.

This could be free food or finding a quarter on the street, or getting a compliment from a friend. It will be easier to keep your vibrations high and stay happy throughout the process by starting small.

You will likely be resistant initially, either consciously or subconsciously, so keep this in mind when you are waiting for the universe to manifest your goal. Once you are more confident in yourself and the energy you are putting out into the world, you can start to move on to more elaborate ambitions to manifest.

Final Thoughts

Manifestation is a fantastic process to incorporate into your daily life. Not only will it lead to a happier and more positive lifestyle, but it will also help you to feel more in-tune with the universe and accomplished as an individual.

Remember that divine timing is an element of manifestation, and be conscious that not everything is in your control, and that’s a good thing! Embrace your beliefs, be genuine in your emotions, and the universe will respond in kind.