mastering lucid dreaming through meditation

Mastering Lucid Dreaming Through Meditation: A Complete Guide

You had a fantasy vacation, and then you woke up there. As soon as you become aware that it is only a dream, you begin planning a make-believe getaway. Since 1970, when the scientific community formally acknowledged lucid dreaming, several investigations and studies have been conducted on the phenomenon.

Interesting studies have shown connections between lucid dreaming, meditation, and cognition. A more frequent occurrence of lucid dreams and better recall are reported by those who frequently practice meditation.

According to various topics on Dreams and Mythology, one lucid dream has been experienced by 55% of people. Others take action to have their first lucid dream, while some folks try to have them more regularly. Meditation is one approach to exploring lucid dreaming.

Both lucid dreaming and meditation include awareness and concentration. For better understanding and updating your knowledge, you can look for Dreams and Mythology, you could gain insightful realizations and advantages if you can use meditation to control your dreams.

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What are Lucid Dreams?

Dreams that you are awake and aware of are called lucid dreams. You are conscious of your feelings, ideas, and emotions and know you are dreaming. You could even have some control over the events in this kind of dream. You see and feel things in non-lucid dreams, including events, people, and possibly objects. 

However, you are unable to distinguish between this and reality. You generate additional experiences and thrills. You take chances that you ordinarily wouldn’t. You’re even more brazen than usual since you realize it’s just a dream. You are having a lucid dream.

What Would Motivate You to Have Lucid Dreams?

Simply because it sounds enjoyable, lucid dreaming attracts many individuals.  Imagine being secure and able to wake up again while joining a fantasy world, controlling it, and feeling like you are there. 

Dealing with nightmares or sleep anxiety is a significant additional reason individuals attempt lucid dreams. Researchers studying sleep and the brain are still determining whether lucid dreaming is beneficial. Some specialists claim that it may interfere with sleep or harm one’s mental health in the long run.

By Meditating, You Can Have Lucid Dreams

The practice of meditation can help you create lucid dreams. However, remember that there is currently no surefire way to induce lucid dreams consciously. This could be useful to you, or it might not. It could work some nights but not others. 

For maximum outcomes, frequent lucid dream meditation practice is recommended. According to studies, persons who regularly practice meditation experience lucid dreams more frequently than those new to it. You might be able to lucid dreams with consistent meditation practice, but the process will take time. 

To improve sleep and reduce stress if lucid dreams don’t emerge right away, start a daily meditation practice.

1. Basic

If you’ve never meditated before, start off gently. Sit motionless in a peaceful, relaxing environment. Close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing. Spend a few minutes focusing on each breath that comes in and goes out.

2. Spiritual

Repetitive prayer of any kind can be a helpful meditation aid. Consider praying the rosary while concentrating solely on the beads and your prayers.

3. Mindfulness

In a quiet, unobstructed location, remain still while sitting there. Be mindful of your sensations and thoughts in the here and now. Allow yourself to think about these things without passing judgment.

4. Guided Meditation

Making an internal visualization or daydream is a technique used in another sort of meditation. This helps you to focus more intently and silence your too-critical mental chatter. Guided meditation, mainly if conducted a few hours before your typical wake-up time, can result immediately in a lucid dream. 

If you become fatigued in the afternoon, give it a try.

5. Mantra Meditation

A mantra is repeated throughout this type of meditation, and oftentimes it is just a sound, just as when you pray. Please put all your attention on your mantra as you recite it in a serene setting.

6. Movement Meditation

Consider practicing meditation while performing a routine or guided movement. Yoga or tai chi, for instance, are great for helping you concentrate and meditate. Shift your focus only to achieving lucid dreaming as a seasoned meditation practitioner. 

Consider focusing your thoughts before bed on a sentence or a prayer that expresses your desire to be awake in dreams. Dream visualization can be a part of your pre-bedtime meditation. 

Think about the senses you want to experience in your dream, including sight, sound, touch, smell, and feeling.

Benefits of Meditation in Lucid Dreams

Self-awareness training is a common goal of meditation. This could explain why those who practice meditation more often report having lucid dreams. But there isn’t any complex data to back this up; it’s all just theories. Many people who regularly practice meditation claim to have more frequent, vivid dreams, even lucid ones. 

Through cultivating awareness and attention, meditation may aid in improving lucidity. People may be more capable of recognizing dreams at night by being more conscious of their thoughts and environment during the day. You can remember more specifics thanks to this, and you could also be more conscious of your dreams.

Using a light timer is another option. If you can program a gadget to flash a light at you while you are in REM sleep, it can help you become aware of your dream while it is happening. 

In any case, meditation is used to aid lucid dreaming, and long-term practitioners report having more of them than others. Although there are various ways to meditate, employing guided meditation may boost your chances of having lucid dreams.


The article above describes how mindfulness and meditation may help people have lucid dreams more frequently.  A person in a lucid dreaming state of awareness is cognizant of and in control of their dreaming. If you’re interested in trying this technique, find a quiet area to sit and some soothing music you like. Not just with mastering Lucid dreams meditation can change your mindset in many other aspects of life.

It would be best if you tried many techniques until you discover one that suits you since there is no one proper way to meditate. Additionally, it’s critical to practice frequently because it might take some time to master the techniques required for lucid dreaming.