Namaste Symbol

Yoga Definitions: Namaste Symbol Meaning

The namaste symbol or meaning has roots in spirituality. After a session, it is more than just a word to say to a fellow yogi.

Namaste can mean many different things. It could mean that “the light in me bows to the light in you.” It could also mean, “I bow to our true nature; we are one.” The words namaste and om are closely connected. Namaste is more than a word, and it is a way of life.

Namaste could also be a greeting to God. If you want to find out the meaning of the namaste symbol, peruse this article.  

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Where Does Namaste Come From?

Namaste is a word that comes from Old Sanskrit, which is found in ancient texts from modern Hinduism originated. The first part of Namaste comes from the word “namaha,” a Sanskrit verb meaning “to bend.” Bending signifies submission to authority or respect to a higher being or power. Over time, namaha has been changed into a greeting. 

The “te” in namaste means “to you.” If you put it together, namaste means “greetings to you.” In the old texts, namaste is a greeting to higher divinity. Namaste could be said as a simple “hello to you.” It could be used to address an authority. In yoga, Namaste means “the light in me recognizes the light in you.” It is a way to honor the other person or people you are practicing yoga with. 

Namaste is a greeting that shows respect to someone in the Hindu culture, and it has unique spiritual meanings. It is a portion of the 16 Upacharas used in the course of formal worship in a religious setting. Regarding venerating a deity, namaste means “greeting the God.” You must place your hands together and bow when saying Namaste for this purpose. 

namaste symbol - Where Does Namaste Come From

Is Namaste a Positive Word?

Namaste is a word that can be described as optimistic. It is a way to acknowledge that you are not only meeting a person physically, but you are also meeting with their mind. Namaste is:

  • Encouraging 
  • Inspiring 
  • Positive 
  • Spiritual

The word namaste helps you to connect with others and establish bonds with people. It creates a peaceful environment where everyone is respected, loved, and you are all friends who honor each other. 

Is the Om and Namaste Symbol the Same?

Namaste is often connected with the symbol of om. The om symbol is commonly referred to as the namaste symbol. Om is a sacred sound or spiritual mantra. The word’s sound is just as important as the actual word itself. The “Awe” sound signifies the beginning of the universe. The “O” sound represents the universe’s energy, while the “M” sound represents transformation. 

The three sounds refer to three stages in life: birth, life, and death. The word om is meant to activate your chakras and promote healing. The namaste symbol with the hands in prayer placed at the head or heart level is the greeting to a divine being or God. Namaste is meant to honor the divine life force in the person you greet, and the ego is left out. 

Om is a little more complex than namaste. The meaning is connected to the word and the sound, and both are very powerful. Om or Aum sound has many connotations. The A symbolizes speech or vak. The U represents the mind or manas, and the M denotes the breath of life, known as prana.  

What Does the 3 Yoga Symbol of Namaste Mean?

The 3 Yoga symbol of namaste looks like the number three with a hook growing from the back. It can be broken into five parts, even though it seems like three. It is a very spiritual symbol used to help toward enlightenment. The different parts of the namaste symbol:

The Tail of the Three Symbol

The tail of the three represents the waking state. It is a state in which you will eat, sleep, and exist. It occurs in the natural world that we live in.  

The Hook Protruding from the Back

The hook coming out of the back of the three represents the dream state. It denotes our innermost hopes and dreams.  

The Top Curve of the Three

The top curve of the three shapes refers to the unconscious sleep state in which there is no dreaming. There is only peace and tranquility. 

The Slash Above the Three

The slash above the three refers to a state of illusion or Maya. It is when something appears to exist, but in reality, it is something else, as it keeps us from achieving nirvana. 

The Dot at the Top

The dot at the top signifies the ideal state or nirvana. Nirvana occurs when we are in perfect harmony with the world, which can be accomplished through yoga and meditation. 

namaste symbol - What is the True Meaning of Namaste

What is the True Meaning of Namaste?

If you are genuinely devoted to yoga, you are more interested in the inner workings of your spirit and how it responds to your poses than you are in the outer world. When you say namaste at the close of a yoga session, you are acknowledging the other person’s inner divinity or your own inner light. It can also be used as a traditional Indian greeting, “I bow to you.” 

Namaste subscribes to the belief that we are all one. We are made of the same parts inside of us. Everything we think, feel, say, and do results from our divine awareness. Spirituality teaches us to be one with a higher being, and namaste is an expression that honors that lesson. A namaste between you and another person serves to honor the most elevated, truest parts of ourselves. 

Some other meanings and translations of namaste:

  • I bow to our true nature, and we are one
  • I honor the place in you that is the same as me 
  • I respect the space in you where the universe dwells
  • My spirit honors your spirit with light and love  

Namaste is a choice to identify with God’s consciousness rather than your ego. Our egos lead us to believe that we are somehow more or less important than we are. Namaste brings us back into balance. It is a choice to take the lessons learned in yoga and apply them to real life. 


Namaste is a spiritual term that means many different things. It is a way to share and honor the light we all have inside.