online course build resilience

Five Great Online Courses to Help You Build Resilience

When you’re facing a challenging time, resilience is your best friend. It’s something that we all need to develop – resilience can help us bounce back from setbacks or disappointments and get on with our lives.

In this post, I’m going to share five great online courses for developing resilience:

  1. School of Positive Transformation: Resilience Practitioner Certificate
  2. Resilience X
  3. Macquarie University: Build Personal Resilience
  4. Mindful Online Learning: Building Resilience In Challenging Times
  5. Barry Winbolt Online: Personal Resilience – Small Steps to Big Change

Building resilience is a difficult task. In this blog post, we will share more about these resilience-building courses that you can take online to help make your resilience stronger and more effective. Keep reading to learn about why it’s important for everyone to build resilience in their lives and how these courses might be able to help you do just that!

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What Is A Resilience Course?

A resilience course is a way to help you develop resilience. Building resilience is a difficult task, and it takes time, so many people might find these types of courses helpful in their lives.

By being more resilient, we are less likely to be triggered by stressful moments or emotions, which means any emotional reaction happens not as intensely or for very long – instead of letting our thoughts spiral out of control indefinitely like many people do when feeling stressed or anxious. The result is having better coping strategies on hand when needed!

The resilience courses below are offered online, and they all include many of the same elements, which is what makes them so great. You can take these courses on your own time without having to make an appointment or commute anywhere.

This series of courses will help teach you skills to be more resilient by dealing with stressors in healthy ways, and it includes:

  • Handling emotions effectively
  • Identifying needs and limits
  • Practical guidance for managing triggers
  • Practicing radical acceptance
  • Understanding relationships better

The resilience courses below are offered online, and they all include many of the same elements, which is what makes them so great. You can take these courses on your own time without having to make an appointment or commute anywhere.

Each resilience course has a different focus, but at their core, most programs provide tools that strengthen:

  • Emotional regulation
  • Social support networks
  • Mindfulness training
  • Reduces fear-based thinking patterns
  • Fosters self-compassion

These resilience courses also offer benefits such as lowered anxiety levels.

A course on resilience will cover topics that can make us more resilient such as:

  • How our brain responds when we’re faced with adversity
  • How resilience can be developed in everyone, no matter what their background
  • How to think longer-term and not just about the problems of today
  • The different ways of thinking about problems that may improve our resilience

These courses will also cover topics like:

  • General coping skills
  • Resilience strategies for dealing with negative thoughts or emotions
  • Self-esteem
  • Why mental health is so important (and how this relates to resilience)

You may also be wondering how exactly a resilience course can help you in different aspects of your life, so let us address that!

(To learn more about resilience, check out this amazing article on the 7 C’s of resilience!)

How Can Taking a Course on Resilience Help Me?

The resilience course will aim to give you the tools and skills to help you deal with any difficult situation, from an argument or a stressful day at work.

By taking a course on resilience, you can learn how to be more resilient in a variety of ways, such as helping you develop coping skills when dealing with difficult people or stressful situations.

It will also allow you the time and space that is needed for self-care. And resilience courses can help increase your sense of security by teaching strategies to deal with negative emotions like anger or sadness.

This resilience strategy starts by understanding what causes these feelings and then learning different stress management techniques so they do not become overwhelming. This way, you are less likely to lash out at someone else because if you have taken care of yourself first, and things should seem much better!

Taking a course on resilience can help you by doing the following:

  • Creating a lasting impact through practical, behavioral change techniques such as getting enough sleep, exercise, and managing stress levels
  • Improving your resilience by changing your daily habits or routines.
  • Learning how to identify risks, notice the warning signs, and take steps towards a healthier life
  • Teaching you that small changes can have big impacts
  • Using mindfulness and self-compassion strategies to help you deal with difficult emotions

The courses are interactive, so it is often not just reading text in front of a computer screen! You’ll be able to interact via chat rooms, classroom tasks, and worksheets.

online course build resilience - taking a course on resilience

It’s also been shown that resilience can be developed in everyone, no matter what their background. These courses aim to teach how resilience works so attendees can start rebuilding it themselves.

A resilience course can help you in the workplace by:

  • Building resilience in your team or company
  • Dealing with conflict and confrontation
  • Working on a difficult project

One of the most popular ways to build resilience is by engaging in a balanced lifestyle. And a balanced lifestyle can look different for everyone.

Some ways a resilience course improves or creates a balance in your life is through the following:

  • Developing resilience through meditation
  • Improving resilience in relationships by examining past traumas and emotional scars
  • Learning mindfulness skills

A resilience course can teach you how to:

  • Exhibit more control over your emotions
  • Improve self-belief
  • Increase confidence

This not only helps you with resilience but also has an impact on your overall well-being.

Most people don’t have a resilience course available at their job, or they just don’t know where to start looking for one that would suit them best. Fortunately, there are some fantastic resilience courses online that can help you build your resilience skills and offer support through the process.

Five Great Online Courses to Help You Build Resilience

Resilience is a skill that everyone has and one of the pillars for maintaining emotional well-being. It is a skill that can be developed further and nurtured to help us cope with life’s inevitable difficulties, disappointments, and traumas, as well while learning how to thrive in the good times.

Hence resilience courses are becoming increasingly popular among individuals who are looking to grow their overall satisfaction with life. These courses will not only help you with your personal life, but they will even give you insights into improving your professional life.

In the following sections, we will discuss five great online courses to help you build resilience.

1. School of Positive Transformation: Resilience Practitioner Certificate

One of the courses that is definitely up there is the Resilience Practitioner Certification by the School of Positive Transformation. This course will help you feel more qualified to do your job to the best of your abilities.

This course is fantastic for anyone who is already a life coach, therapist, yoga teacher, faith leader, psychologist, and any other job that requires supporting other people’s needs. It is even helpful for school teachers, HR professionals, or any other professions that have human interactions. This course will help you no matter what role you are currently in or want to be in.

This course will take you through the following 8 modules:

  • Diagnosing resilience
  • Protective Factors as interlocking systems
  • The  five phases of helping
  • Skill Set #1 – Help clients navigate
  • Skill Set #2 – Help clients negotiate
  • Four strategies for Successful adaptation
  • Changing our community to support resilience

Some of the things that you will take away from this course are knowledge of the theory and science of resilience, tools to transform not only your life but other’s lives as well, an accredited certification as a resilience practitioner, and much more!

Learning how to be resilient through life’s challenges is crucial. This course will prepare you to handle anything life throws at you, plus you will be certified to pass on that knowledge to others!

2. Resilience X

Resilience X is an excellent resource for resilience training from It allows you to create your own science-based resilience program and motivate others. It gives you everything you need to run your own resilience training and brand it.

Resilience X isn’t just a program; it’s a powerful tool designed by psychologist and researcher Hugo Alberts, who has more than twelve years of experience in science-based positive psychology and has published over 20 academic papers.

Inside Resilience X, you’ll find

  • Coaching manuals for practitioners
  • Workbooks for participants
  • In-depth resilience intervention video courses
  • Ready-to-utilize PowerPoint presentations
  • A holistic train the trainer course to hone your expertise
  • White label rights to use your own brand
  • Lifelong updates to Resilience X

The training sessions cover topics like

  • The Sailboat Metaphor: A unique way to understand how people work and their connection to resilience
  • Mastering Attention: So you can focus on the positive and not just the negative
  • The Power of Thoughts: How they can help you
  • Motivation to Push Forward: Even when things are tough
  • Effective Coping: What works and what doesn’t
  • The Resilience Plan: A roadmap for life

This amazing program is priced at $1,150, and is open to everyone. Whether you’re a coach, teacher, HR manager, or leader, Resilience X can be your guide. It can help you and those you work with feel better and handle life’s challenges.

3. Macquarie University: Build Personal Resilience

The third course we bring to you is Build Personal Resilience from Coursera / Macquarie University. This course is very similar to the first course we mentioned due to its focus and basis being in positive psychology.

Another thing that sets this course apart from the others is that you can enroll for free! You can even adjust the deadlines to best fit your schedule and keep you on track. You will be given tools and techniques to enhance resilience through mindfulness, gratitude practices, enhancing relationships, and more.

In this course, you will explore resilience in a variety of ways, including the following:

  • Describe how overthinking and loops can undercut resilience
  • Learn about joy and happiness as they relate to resilience to create a buffer when under pressure or experiencing stressful situations
  • Understand why the body and mind become resilient through our body’s and mind’s protective measures
  • The use of non-cognitive strategies, like mindfulness and gratitude practices, can help to decrease anxiety

The following is a list of skills you will learn and build on during this online class:

  • Gratitude
  • Improved communication
  • Increased mindfulness and awareness
  • Mental agility
  • Optimism
  • Planning

This course will teach you skills that help build resilience to go forward into life, feeling more empowered by your mental strength rather than being at the mercy of stressors and anxieties. Lacking resilience can lead some people to feel stagnant or, worse yet, overwhelmed.

This course provides you with real-world applications and has been reviewed by over 500 people, with the average rating being 4.9 out of 5 stars. And the statistics show that 29 percent of learners have gotten some sort of career benefit from the course in terms of their overall goals and outcomes.

This course is perfect for anyone who wants a better sense of control over their thoughts and feelings so they can cope more effectively in stressful situations. You will be able to take what you learned and apply it immediately in your own life.

4. Mindful Online Learning: Building Resilience In Challenging Times

Our third resilience course is called Building Resilience In Challenging Times by Mindful Online Learning. This course differs from the first two covered because it focuses the most on mindfulness as a way to build resilience.

This course is designed to:

  • Build resilience
  • Develop greater insight
  • Foster awareness

This course offers the following:

  • Lifetime access for about $200
  • Uses science-based approaches to create lasting change

With this course, you have Dr. Christopher Willard leading and instructing through the sessions. As a well-known psychologist, it is safe to say this course meets some high standards and uses mindfulness as a tool to develop your resilience.

The major topics covered in the 16 session course include the following:

  • Introducing the Journey
  • Mindful Psychology
  • The Emotional Body
  • The Mind/Body Connection
  • The Ongoing Journey

The resilience we experience in our lives depends upon how much resilience we have stored up inside of us and on what resources we can draw to use for support when times get difficult. In this course, you will learn new ways to build resilience through a balanced practice that supports each level of your being (mind, body, and spirit).

5. Barry Winbolt Online: Personal Resilience – Small Steps to Big Change

The last course we want to discuss is Personal Resilience – Small Steps to Big Change by Barry Winbolt Online. Many organizations are discovering that resilience is a key ingredient to success, but they don’t know where to start or how to nurture it in their people and processes.

This course will help you move from awareness through action by unpacking the resilience formula for building resilience at work.

The following are things you may learn about yourself:

  • Be real about yourself
  • Build emotional stability
  • Change what you’re doing if it’s not working
  • Connect with others in life sources like friends, colleagues, or organizations that provide social support
  • Find out how you feel before acting on impulse or feeling pressured by other people
  • Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
  • Take care of your physical body as well as your mind

This course will provide you with a resilience framework and practical strategies for building resilience. In addition to the resilience framework, the course also provides insights on how to build resilience and avoid the common pitfalls of this journey. Additionally, we’ll outline some simple steps that can be taken right now to start building psychological armor against challenges.

This is essential before moving onto more complex skills like managing emotions or dealing with stressful situations where our cognitive abilities may change due to pressure or fatigue, causing us to make bad decisions.


All five of these courses are available online and can be completed at your convenience. Some of the courses are free, while others require a small fee to complete all lessons. However, all of them will help you learn the 7 essential skills of resilience!

If you’ve never taken any of these types of courses before but want some ideas about different ways resilience might come up in life, these courses are for you. Or, if you’re a resilience expert and want to learn more about how resilience is connected with other important life skills, these courses are also for you.

What will your next steps be? Will you enroll in one of the courses or take another step towards building greater resilience? Will you get your resilience trainer certification online?