nutrition coaching certification programs Photo: @PrecisionNutrition | Instagram

The 11 Best Online Nutrition and Fitness Coaches

As more and more people embrace the ideals of self-improvement and self-help, they tend to recognize the importance of nutrition and fitness in their overall well-being. But getting started on a nutrition and fitness regimen can be challenging. Sustaining any program can be even more difficult. This is where nutrition coaching and fitness mentors come in, and some very reputable, highly rated ones can be found online.

online nutrition certification

Photo: @milagroboxing | Instagram


Online fitness coaches and nutritionists are more than stern voices encouraging you to keep up with your exercise regimen and stick to your diet. Considering your personal needs and goals, nutrition and fitness coaches provide guidance and motivation, and the best ones hold you accountable.

The most effective online coaches are partners as invested in improving your nutrition and fitness as you are. Finding the right fit can be a daunting task with so many options on the internet. Are you interested but need help knowing where to start? Please look no further, if you don’t mind. These are some of the best online nutrition and fitness coaches out there, and each has something unique to offer, so read on to find your best match.

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What does an online nutrition and fitness coach do?

With a straightforward job title like online nutrition and fitness coach, it seems apparent what such a person does for a living. But coaching people through virtual platforms on the basics and nuances of nutrition and fitness barely scratches the surface regarding what these online professionals can do for their customers who are willing to buy in (literally and figuratively) and do the work.

online nutrition coaching

Photo: Instagram @bodybyjbae

Here is a deeper dive into what reputable and conscientious online nutrition and fitness coaches do for their clients:

  • Structured, individualized programs. The best online nutrition and fitness coaches incorporate the latest research and advanced training methods to develop personalized nutrition plans and fitness regimens for individual pupils. Coaches constantly monitor data to ensure that the program is working.
  • Personalized accountability. They will create and lay out a detailed, individualized nutrition and fitness plan and use their communication skills to motivate their students to stick with it and trust the process.
  • Sustainable. It is natural for new enrollees to start with a bang and gradually lose their enthusiasm and commitment. By setting realistic goals and teaching repeatable habits, the best online nutrition and fitness coaches establish programs that have continuity, consistency, and sustainability.
  • Educate. Coaches do not just coach. The good ones also educate. We live in an age where people do not want to be told what to do without explaining why. The best coaches help their clients understand the science behind nutrition and fitness and then develop a tailored analysis to assess how each client’s needs will be fully met.
  • Empathetic. No one is born with a perfect metabolism, and good fitness does not come quickly. The best online nutrition and fitness coaches recognize that, at some point, everyone struggles with starting or maintaining a well-being program. The ability to empathize with clients, primarily based on personal experience, maybe a coach’s most valuable asset.
  • Constantly adjusting the program. Developing an adequate nutrition and fitness program requires a long-game approach in which adjustments are constantly made to respond to biofeedback markers (how your body reacts to dietary and exercise changes). A good program is fluid and organic, not rigid and static.
  • Provide one-on-one guidance. When it comes to developing a successful nutrition and fitness program, no one-size-fits-all approach can be taken. Each client’s needs are as different as their body types, metabolism rates, hormonal balance, etc. The best nutrition and fitness coaches get to know their clients as people first and foremost.

While each online nutrition and fitness coach may add a twist to their approach, these are the attributes you should look for when evaluating a pool of coaching candidates. Ultimately, making the right decision will boil down to comfort level, trust, and developing good chemistry with your coach.

How much does an online nutrition and fitness coach cost?

online nutrition certifications

Photo: @wholisticblonde | Instagram

Most online nutrition and fitness coaches charge a monthly fee for their services. Depending on the provider and the level of coaching desired, these costs can range from $125 to over $1,100.

In comparison, personal trainers like you would find at a local gym typically charge per session or by the hour, and these rates can range from $35 to $120 per hour. Where you live does influence how much you should expect to pay for a personal trainer, as rates are usually higher in larger metropolitan areas.

The 11 Best Online Nutrition and Fitness Coaches Out There

Finding the proper online nutrition and fitness coach can be challenging, given the number of sites that can be found online. Differentiating one program from another can be complex and confusing, with many seemingly comparable options.

Fortunately, there are certain key things to look for, and these five online nutrition and fitness coaching sites have the most to offer:

1. Top Nutrition Coaching

Top Nutrition Coaching is everything you could hope to find in a nutrition service. The organization was built to help clients thrive and succeed long term. Top Nutrition coaching offers a high level of personalization with years of nutrition expertise. When you work with Top Nutrition Coaching, you get a complete program built around you and designed to help you reach your goals. Here are some highlights from the coaching:

  1. Personalization. Every plan is unique and built around you, your goals, and your lifestyle
  2. World-class experts. A network of the best-registered dietitians in the country, many of whom have dietitian degrees. Less than 1.7% of nutritionists and dietitian applicants who apply to work on the platform get accepted, and dietitians need to maintain specific performance standards to remain on the platform (i.e., helping their clients succeed).
  3. Nutrition support on demand. Get the support you need when you need it. Stay motivated to reach your goals; you can ramp up sessions with your dietitian to 1-2x weekly.
  4. Accountability & 24/7 access. Reach your dietitian 24/7 with questions or concerns. Your coach will check in to see how you are doing and help hold you accountable for your goals.
  5. Centralized wellness platform. You will get access to Top Nutrition Coaching’s wellness platform and its suite of health-tracking tools.
  6. Discounted supplement dispensary. Get access to Top Nutrition Coaching’s supplement dispensary and receive a membership discount.
  7. Access to advanced testing & diagnostics. Top Nutrition Coaching has a suite of tests to use your current health metrics to inform your plan better.

If you purchase a bundle plan, plans typically cost between $100 and $300 an hour for coaching, or approximately $1,000 every three months. 

2. mindbodygreen: Functional Nutrition Training

Are you passionate about health and nutrition and making a meaningful impact on people’s lives? The mindbodygreen Functional Nutrition Expert program offers a transformative path to becoming a leading authority in functional nutrition.

With a comprehensive curriculum grounded in a holistic approach to well-being, this program equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to address the root cause of your client’s health conditions.

Critical aspects of the course:

  • 30 hours of online lessons; deep dive into the principles and practices of functional nutrition
  • Regularly updated with cutting-edge insights and the latest research
  • 20 of the world’s top doctors and experts in functional nutrition; wisdom and guidance to prepare you to handle real-life client scenarios with confidence
  • 28 modules covering a wide range of topics related to nutrition and holistic well-being
  • lifetime access, learn at your with a flexible structure

Discover the power of functional nutrition and unlock the body’s natural healing potential. As a mindbodygreen Functional Nutrition Expert, you will be equipped with the skills needed to positively impact the lives of others, empowering you to achieve excellent health and well-being.

3. ISSA Health Coach

online nutrition and fitness coach - ISSA Health Coach
Photo: Instagram @rubybanfit

The ISSA Health Coach certification program provides a holistic approach to health coaching, incorporating nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle strategies. This program, offered by the International Sports Sciences Association, is a well-rounded certification and ideal for fitness professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills.

Key features of the program include:

  • online learning
  • flexible scheduling
  • strong emphasis on real-world applications

Also, the ISSA Health Coach certification offers lifetime support and access to updated course materials.

4. WowFit

online nutrition and fitness coach - MyWowFit
Photo: MyWowFit

WowFit offers a unique, personalized approach to nutrition and health coaching. This program is tailored to individual needs, with coaches working closely with clients to develop customized plans that address specific goals and challenges.

WowFit strongly emphasizes habit formation and mindset, providing clients with the tools they need to make lasting lifestyle changes. Additionally, the program features a convenient online platform, making it easy for clients to connect with their coaches and track progress.

5. Vital Roots Health Co.

online nutrition and fitness coach - Amanda Mason
Photo: Vital Roots Health Co.

Vital Roots Health Co. is a results-oriented nutrition and fitness coaching service that emphasizes the development of one-on-one client-coach relationships to set attainable goals and establish accountability. The coaching team of Amanda and Janelle is uniquely qualified to formulate effective nutrition plans for weight management and exercise regimens to keep clients fit.

Here is a look at their impressive qualifications:

  • Amanda MasonWith a B.S. degree in Kinesiology and Public Health from Indiana University, Amanda’s resume includes various nutrition-related and specialist certifications in prenatal and postpartum exercise.
  • Janelle. In addition to being a NASM-certified personal trainer, Janelle is also a certified group fitness trainer and nutrition coach. Janelle has a B.A. in Recreation and Sports Leadership.

Highlights of the Vital Roots Health Co include:

  • 1-hour introductory video consultation
  • Individualized training plan with weekly assessments (and adjustments when needed)
  • Regular monitoring of biofeedback markers
  • Online accountability and progress check-ins
  • Private Facebook community for interacting with peers
  • Unlimited access to online health and wellness resources
  • Sample menus and meal plans
  • Open communication with program staff

6. Forge Fitness & Nutrition Coaching

online nutrition and fitness coach - Forge Fitness & Nutrition Coaching
Photo: Forge Fitness

Recognizing the vital role that technology can play in developing and maintaining a nutrition and fitness program, Forge Fitness & Nutrition Coaching integrates immersive digital content and mobile accessibility into its adaptive coaching service.

Its powerful yet user-friendly mobile app is at the heart of the Forge program. Highlights of this unique platform include:

  • Instant 24/7 access to training staff (including direct messaging)
  • Mobile accountability and progress check-ins with trainers
  • Performance logs, personal statistics (e.g., BMI, personal bests, measurements), nutritional analytics
  • On-demand access to training videos
  • Personalized updates and plan highlights

Fitness programs can be fully personalized to fit the individual needs and goals of each client. This includes exercise regimens and dietary preferences. To oversee participants’ progress toward goals like weight loss, strength and conditioning, and body makeovers, Forge offers three primary packages:

  • Standard Plan. Unlimited direct messaging with the coaching staff, one live call with a trainer per month, custom meal plan prepared by a registered dietician, customized exercise plan, personalized weight training program ($125/month) 
  • Complete Plan. The same benefits as the Standard Plan but with two monthly calls for one-on-one interaction with a Forge trainer ($175/month)
  • Premium Plan. The highest level of personalized support and interaction with a Forge trainer, the Premium Plan ($225/month) offers weekly one-on-one calls.

All three plans include meal planning in four tracks: balanced, lactose-free, gluten-free, and vegetarian.

7. Born Fitness

online nutrition and fitness coach - Born Fitness
Photo: Born Fitness

If there is one word to describe the online nutrition and fitness coaching program offered by Born Fitness, it would be adaptive. Recognizing that each client’s needs, abilities, and schedules differ, Born Fitness develops personalized plans for people from all walks of life.

Whether you are a complete newcomer to structured diets and exercise plans or an advanced fitness guru who needs a spotter, Born Fitness can craft the right program for you. Here are some of the highlights of their program:

  • Ability to work with clients of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced fitness enthusiasts
  • Personalized meal plans are developed for each client’s needs and lifestyle, including specific dietary restrictions such as paleo or vegetarian
  • Workout regimens are created to adapt to your schedule and availability (they can even create exercises that can be done in a hotel room while you are traveling for business)
  • Weekly check-ins with coaches to monitor progress, make adjustments, and re-assess goals

This program is unique in that prospective students must apply, and only if approved can they become clients. The Born Fitness online coaching program costs $249/month.

8. Tailored Coaching Method

online nutrition and fitness coach - Tailored Coaching Method
Photo: Tailored Coaching Method

The online nutrition and fitness coaching program offered by Tailored Coaching Method is a highly structured diet and exercise service among the most interactive and personalized offerings. From the initial assessment to the regular check-in sessions, the Tailored Coaching Method program is all about you.

Whether the goal is weight loss or gaining muscle mass, the Tailored Coaching Method’s no-nonsense approach is known to produce results if you are willing to commit to the process.

9. Gifted Performance

best online nutrition and fitness coaches
Photo: @gifted_hq | Instagram

Gifted Performance offers a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to nutrition and health coaching. The program is designed to cater to diverse clients, from those looking to improve overall health to athletes seeking peak performance. Coaches receive access to various resources, including educational materials, training programs, and personalized nutrition plans to help clients reach their goals.

Unique features include a strong emphasis on scientific research and its application to coaching and a commitment to building a supportive community among its members.

10. Kickoff

online nutrition and fitness coach - kickoff
Photo: Kickoff Coach Taegan Smith

Kickoff is a remote personal training service that offers 1-on-1 coaching through text, live video, and their app to help transform their clients’ fitness and diet and help them get into the best shape of their lives. The service aims to provide accurate fitness results that require a real human relationship, matching users with the right coach to fit their goals, body, injuries, schedule, and preferred activities. Personalized workouts are designed for each user, and customized nutrition coaching is provided to drive sustained results through easy swaps, recipes, and habits. Coaches offer daily guidance, feedback, and support to help users stay motivated and accountable. The service costs $3 a day and offers monthly, six-month, and yearly plans. You can also add live workouts for $27/session. Thousands of certified personal trainers and registered dietitians are available on the service, with various specialties and experience levels.

Kickoff has received many positive reviews and testimonials from users who appreciate the personalized coaching and support.

11. Precision Nutrition

online nutrition and fitness coach - Precision Nutrition
Photo: Precision Nutrition

Precision Nutrition offers an industry-leading nutrition coaching program that provides clients with evidence-based, practical guidance. The program is highly adaptable, catering to various needs, from general health improvement to athletic performance.

Precision Nutrition’s unique ProCoach software makes it easy for coaches to manage clients, monitor progress, and adjust plans as needed. In addition, the program is supported by a wealth of research and offers extensive resources for clients and coaches.

Concluding Thoughts on the Best Nutrition and Fitness Coaches Online

The online world offers a wealth of resources for those seeking guidance on nutrition and fitness, and the best coaches stand out through their commitment to personalized, science-backed approaches. Whether you’re looking to achieve specific fitness goals, improve your dietary habits, or maintain a balanced lifestyle, the availability of expert coaches online empowers individuals to take control of their health and well-being. With the proper nutrition and fitness coach at your side, the path to a healthier, more vibrant life becomes achievable and incredibly rewarding. Enrolling in an online nutrition and fitness program is an investment of time, effort, and money, and the adage certainly rings true here: you will only get out of it what you are willing to put into it.