what happens in somatic therapy

What happens in somatic therapy?

Somatic therapy is a holistic and transformative approach to mental health and well-being that addresses the connection between the body and the mind. Rooted in the belief that our emotional experiences and traumas are not only stored in the mind but also in the body, somatic therapy aims to promote healing by unlocking these emotional imprints and fostering a deeper understanding of one’s inner self.

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In this article, we delve into the world of somatic therapy, exploring its principles, techniques, and the transformative effects it can have on individuals seeking relief from psychological distress, trauma, and personal growth.

Understanding the Basics of Somatic Therapy

Somatic therapy is grounded in the understanding that the body and mind are intricately connected, and the experiences we encounter throughout our lives leave imprints on both physical and emotional levels. These imprints can manifest as muscle tension, postural changes, or even illness when left unresolved. By working with the body, somatic therapy seeks to unlock the unconscious patterns and beliefs that hinder personal growth and well-being.

The Core Principles of Somatic Therapy

  • Mind-body connection: Somatic therapy acknowledges that the body is a rich source of information about our emotional states and psychological well-being. By paying attention to bodily sensations and reactions, therapists and clients can identify unresolved emotions and memories.
  • Embodiment: Emphasizing the present moment and the body’s wisdom, somatic therapy encourages individuals to be more grounded in their physical experiences, fostering self-awareness and self-acceptance.
  • Trauma resolution: Somatic therapy is particularly effective in addressing trauma. Traumatic experiences can become “stuck” in the body, leading to a range of psychological and physical symptoms. By engaging in somatic techniques, clients can safely process and release these trapped emotions.
  • Mindful awareness: Clients are taught to cultivate mindfulness of their bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts. This helps to create a sense of safety and empowerment in exploring and transforming difficult emotions.

Somatic Techniques and Approaches

  • Body awareness: One of the fundamental aspects of somatic therapy is body awareness. Therapists guide clients in developing a deeper understanding of their bodily sensations and emotions, helping them notice and articulate their feelings.
  • Breathwork: Conscious and focused breathing techniques can be used to ground individuals in their bodies, reduce anxiety, and release emotional tension.
  • Movement and expressive arts: Engaging in various forms of movement and creative expression allows individuals to explore and express emotions that may be difficult to access through verbal communication.
  • Touch and bodywork: In some somatic therapies, safe and appropriate touch may be utilized to promote a sense of safety, connection, and release within the client.
  • Somatic experiencing: Developed by Dr. Peter Levine, this approach aims to renegotiate and resolve traumatic experiences by gently guiding clients through the release of stored tension and energy associated with the trauma.
  • Sensorimotor psychotherapy: Combining talk therapy with body-based interventions, sensorimotor psychotherapy helps clients process trauma and build new resources for resilience.

Benefits and Applications of Somatic Therapy

  • Trauma resolution: Somatic therapy offers a safe and effective means of addressing trauma and healing from its lingering effects. By unlocking and releasing stored emotions, clients can experience a reduction in trauma-related symptoms.
  • Stress and anxiety reduction: The mindful awareness and grounding techniques in somatic therapy can help individuals manage stress and anxiety more effectively.
  • Emotional regulation: Through somatic techniques, clients can gain better control over their emotions, improving emotional regulation and enhancing interpersonal relationships.
  • Physical healing: By addressing emotional imprints in the body, somatic therapy can aid in physical healing and alleviate psychosomatic symptoms.
  • Personal growth: Somatic therapy can also be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-awareness, helping individuals connect with their authentic selves and cultivate a deeper sense of purpose.


Somatic therapy offers a unique and profound approach to mental health, recognizing the inseparable connection between the body and mind. By tapping into the body’s wisdom, individuals can address unresolved emotions and traumas, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Through a variety of techniques including those learned during somatic experiencing training. and a deep appreciation for the present moment, somatic therapy empowers individuals to embark on a transformative journey of healing, growth, and self-discovery. As research and understanding of this approach continue to evolve, somatic therapy holds the promise of becoming an increasingly valuable and widely accepted therapeutic modality.