what it means to live with purpose

What it Means to Live With Purpose

Do you want to know what it means to live with purpose? If you are feeling lost and insecure in life, this article will help guide you to living with purpose.

Living with purpose means an individual decides their own goals and desires in life. They are energized to accomplish that which they want. The individual that lives with purpose realizes that they are constantly learning and growing in the many dimensions of wellness.

Living life with purpose can seem out of reach when you’re not certain what it even means. You know that what you are doing doesn’t feel right with you, and you are finding it difficult to continue on the way you have been. Let’s further explore the meaning of living with purpose.

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What Does it Mean to Live With Purpose?

When one is living with purpose, everything about them seems on point. They exhibit a zest for life in all they do. What it means to live with purpose is different for each person.

So how do you find that zest for life? Where do you begin? If you are reading this, you have already begun. You realized that your life feels out of alignment with your true purpose on this earth.

How Do I Find My Purpose in Life?

To find your purpose in life, you need to honestly think about what you want to do. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • What truly excites you?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • Where do you want to be?

Answer yourself truthfully. Do not let the influence of those around you influence your answers.

You are the only one who can determine your purpose. We are met with a daily bombardment of directions from outside sources. Some of these sources are very close to us, such as family and friends.  Some are more remote, such as coworkers or teachers.

They all have a vision of us. They will try to guide you or force you into this idea they have of who you are. Most of the time their hearts are in the right place. They do not realize they may be side-tracking you or slowing you down with their influence.

Others that have a vision of your purpose see you as something to be molded to benefit themselves. If you are unaware of this manipulation, you will suddenly find yourself wondering what happened and how you ended up where you are at.

This is why you need to be completely honest with yourself. If you don’t know the answers to the questions right away, that’s alright. This is not a test, and you are not expected to know the answer immediately.

You should give yourself time to contemplate and explore all of your options. Remember to analyze ideas that come to mind. Are these ideas yours or someone else’s expectations? It is also important to remember that as we grow and change, so will our purpose in life.

Be flexible with yourself; even a river will change its course, and in the end, it will still flow to the sea. With the knowledge that your purpose is what brings you a sense of fulfillment and joy, the horizons open up to you.

There are resources that you can tap into to help you on this enlightening journey. Some of these include:

  • Taking a class
  • Reading a book
  • Watching videos
  • Learning to meditate

These are all ways in which you can become more self-aware. Taking some time to explore these options will help you learn about yourself and thus help you find your life’s purpose. Below, we will investigate a few of the options available to you.

3 Great Courses or Videos to Help You Find Your Purpose in Life

There are courses that will help you find your purpose in life. Three of these courses are called:

  • The Art of Living with Purpose,
  • What’s Your Souls Unique Purpose
  • Finding Your Life’s purpose.

These courses will help guide you in your quest.

As with anything new, we must learn all we can about it. It can be challenging to search for our purpose in life. That is where the knowledge of others who have sought the illumination of purpose becomes helpful in our own paths.

Let’s discuss the courses listed above in a little more detail.

“The Art of Living With Purpose” Course

The Art of Living With Purpose is a course that will help you “achieve your goals and transform your life.” This course is a road map for those who are feeling unsatisfied with their current life path.

The Art of Living With Purpose course was designed by Rich Roll, who will also be your instructor for the course. This course is offered to you for under $100. The course includes; reference materials and a meditation guide

It is for anyone who:

  • Wants to explore their gifts
  • Feels they are not going anywhere in life
  • Wants to achieve their goals
  • More

Rich had lived a sedentary life of which he felt unfulfilled. In his 40th year of life, he decided to make some huge changes to push himself to his fullest potential while reaching for new goals he set.

Rich is a best-selling author. His book “Finding Ultra: Rejecting Middle Age, Becoming One of the World’s Fittest Men, and Discovering Myself” Is a memoir of his journey.

He is also co-author of:

Rich chose to embrace a plant-based whole foods diet, which has helped him get his physical body into its best physical shape.

This has brought him to accomplishing even higher goals as he is now an ultra-distance endurance athlete who was the first to complete the Epic-5 Hawaii Triathlon that encompasses 5 Hawaiian Islands in under a week.

Rich will use his wisdom to help you transform your life in The Art of Living with Purpose. Course.

“What’s Your Souls Unique Purpose” Course

What’s Your Souls Unique Purpose is a yoga course. Designed to help you take your yoga “beyond the mat” and delve further into your life’s purpose. It is divided into four parts. The instructor is Rod Stryker.

In What’s Your Souls Unique Purpose online yoga course Rod Stryker will instruct you in:

  • Uncovering your authentic purpose
  • Shaping your destiny with the four desires
  • Thriving in the midst of a challenge
  • Living your soul’s purpose

You will explore key yogic techniques to help you learn your soul’s purpose. It is an accredited course for which you can receive credits upon completion. You will also receive a certificate of completion.

This course is based on Rod Stryker’s book, Four Desires: Creating a Life of Purpose, Happiness, Prosperity, and Freedom.  You will learn about honoring what is most enlightening about you:

  • You will contemplate your “unique purpose”
  • How to recognize the conflict between your wants and your life’s purpose.
  • How using the four desires to manifest your purpose is essential.
  • Your unique ways of dealing with adversity.
  • How to use what you have learned in the course.

With Rod Stryker’s knowledge of ancient traditions and self-experience, you will be guided toward finding your dharma.

“Finding Your Life’s Purpose”

Finding Your Life’s Purpose is an audio course by Eckhart Tolle. This course was made to help you learn how to be in the present moment. Learning to be here now is part of finding life’s purpose.

In Eckhart’s course, you will learn the importance of presence. This state of mind will help you quiet that which gives you anxiety and depression. Living in the moment brings you in tune with your consciousness, with your light.

The course consists of 2 CDs that are currently $15.96 or an audio download which can be purchased for $11.18. Both versions are 1 hour and 29 minutes long. You will learn to:

  • Overcome dysfunctional forms of thought that lead to discontent and discord.
  • Awaken within you the sacredness and connection of all life
  • “Honor the world of form while not identifying with it.”
  • How love is the true self of everyone

This audio course will help you find freedom from thought patterns of reaction to outer and inner stimuli. You will learn to know yourself.

Eckhart has many helpful courses, such as:

  • Conscious Manifestation
  • Creating a New Earth
  • Meditation
  • Deepening the Dimensions of Stillness
  • The Power of Now

His audio courses are soothing. He will make you laugh and think as you relax and listen to the enlightening and guiding words he speaks.

What Does it Mean to Live With Purpose?

When you live with purpose, you’re in alignment with what resonates with you. Living with purpose is an awakening of the self:

  • Mentally
  • Emotionally
  • Physically
  • Spiritually

Learning about yourself and what is special about you allows you to recognize the beauty of diversity within each person.

Discovering the purpose within you helps you connect with the world around you. The more you learn, the more you will want to explore. You will find yourself enthusiastically meeting life’s challenges.

This growth is something you will want to share with those around you. You will find yourself uplifting others, giving them encouragement as they travel their life. Your self-esteem will grow, and this too will be something readily shared.

As you embrace living with purpose, you will find you have better coping skills. Mentally you will learn the patterns that had you in survival mode. Through changing your perspective, you will realize you are capable of reaching all of the goals and dreams you have.

The worries of disappointment will lessen as you learn that your life purpose is yours and yours alone. You are bettering yourself, discovering what makes you happy in this world. It’s not a race, nor a test; it is an adventure.

As you learn to let go of disappointments, you will also find it easier to forgive people and not hold a grudge. Why is this? It’s because forgiveness brings you peace. You acknowledge the wrong that has been done. You don’t forget it, but you don’t dwell on it either. You’ve learned from it and moved forward.

Living life with purpose returns the control over your life to you. You learn that you are capable of anything you desire to do once you know how to manage your emotional energy and elevate your frequency.

Live Your Life With Purpose

It will take time to learn about yourself, your desires, and your unique path. It will also take time to heal from the weight of other people’s views of who you are, and those forms of dysfunctional thought that are detrimental to your growth progress.

As you embark on this journey within your entire being will benefit from what you learn. Utilizing the courses available to you will help you stay on track to discovering your life purpose.

As you become more comfortable with yourself and the vision of your path, the easier it will be to live your life with purpose.