30 Day Yoga Challenge for Beginners

Tips for a 30-Day Yoga Challenge for Beginners

Whether you’re offering a free yoga challenge or an experience doesn’t matter. They all have the same goal: to guide your students over a series of daily tasks helping them achieve a specific win. Even though you’ll be assisting others in experiencing yoga, it will also be good for your yoga business. It will help you reach many people interested in yoga and grow your following plus clients. Yoga is all about assisting others in achieving the bliss you also found by partaking in the daily practice of this ancient practice.

A 30-day yoga challenge for beginners is a great way to help yoga beginners get into the practice of it and maintain that. When you create a 30-day yoga challenge, it will help you grow your yoga business. Yoga challenges are shareable and community-driven, allowing more people to discover you. When someone takes part in your 30-day yoga challenge, they get to know your teaching style, and if they love it, they will most likely become your student.

From specialized yoga classes for seniors and pregnant women to high-energy power yoga sessions and everything in between, the popularity of yoga shows no signs of slowing down as people continue to seek out new ways to improve their health and wellness.

What is a 30-day yoga challenge?

A 30-day yoga challenge invites yoga practitioners, whether seasoned or new, to participate in a daily sequence of asanas. The main goal of a 30-day yoga challenge is to help others create a yoga routine. During 30 days of yoga, most people get to explore the art of yoga. A yoga challenge is a fantastic chance for beginners and yogis to push themselves to reach new limits. 

What will a 30-day challenge do?

For students, a 30-day challenge will help them get the ball rolling. It takes quite some time to form a habit, and a 30-day yoga challenge is an excellent place to start. Once a yoga student consequently partakes in yoga for 30 straight days, it straightens the path toward building a good habit. 

For yoga instructors, a 30-day challenge is an excellent way to attract your target audience to your website, YouTube channel, or Instagram. Because you will have their attention, you can pitch yourself and your services at the end of the challenge. If you have products you’re pushing for, this would be the perfect time to sell them. However, it’s natural to get more students if you’ve hosted a 30-day challenge, which shows how beneficial it can be for your yoga business. 

A 30-day challenge is the best way to market your business. Through such a challenge, you can ensure you at least grow your following or even email list. Growing an email list will allow you to drop emails here and there to the right people. Since most challenges are free, you can decide to 

Crafting a 30-day yoga challenge for beginners

When thinking about yoga beginners, you need to establish their main struggle and target that. By knowing what struggle of theirs you’re targeting, you’ll also be able to find the title of your challenge. Your challenge could focus on something as simple as flexibility. But even when it comes to flexibility, it’s still too general. You can narrow it down to the flexibility of a specific body part, like hamstrings, hip openings, splits, or others. Being more specific helps you narrow down your target audience. 

Now that you know what the focus of your challenge is for beginners, you can now think of ways your challenge will help them overcome this issue. When thinking of a solution, ensure it fulfills your challenge’s goal. After you’ve decided how to deal with it, now break it down into simple little steps. Let’s say your goal is to help beginners with flexibility; this time can’t be achieved within a day. You’ll need to start with simple asanas, which will build up to more complex asanas as the challenge progresses. 

Since you’ve already broken down your topic or goal into different days, you can now get specific about your yoga sessions. Decide how long you want your daily videos to be, then start writing down the asanas you need your students to perform each day and in which order to build up to that end goal that you have in mind. For example, if the purpose of your challenge is to achieve forward splits, think of ways to slowly stretch the body and gain a little bit more stretch on the hips every single day. You’ll always start with a warm-up, build up to a peak pose, then slowly cool down. Every day of the challenge should work towards getting the body to stretch more so that eventually, the students can reach as far as their body would allow them when it comes to that forward split. 

What should a beginner of yoga learn first?

Most yoga beginners tend to feel that they’re not flexible enough for yoga or that the practice is entirely not accessible to them. As a yoga instructor, you must explain to them that anyone and everyone can do yoga. Yoga beginners also need to learn that breathing is one of the essential tools to use in yoga. So are meditation, intention, asanas, and relaxation. Once they know that it’s not always about getting sweaty and stretchy, they’ll learn to appreciate it as more of spiritual practice rather than a physical one. 

Yoga beginners should also learn that pain isn’t a part of the deal. You need to keep reminding your yoga students to take certain modifications if they feel as if they’re in pain or a particular asana isn’t accessible to them. 

How to keep yogis accountable for the 30-day challenge

Once you’ve ensured that people have signed up for your yoga challenge, you can ask them to join a private Facebook group. When you bring people together like this, they get to encourage each other throughout the challenge. Signing up for your Facebook group means they will also give you their email, where you can send them a nudge reminding them of their daily yoga challenge. 

In the private group, keep the conversation going allowing others to post their challenges during their yoga journey and how they work to achieve it. It is easier for people to encourage each other when going through your yoga challenge. By the end of the 30 days, you’ll most likely have students who want more of you and will subscribe to private lessons.

What can yogis expect during and after the challenge?

When starting a yoga challenge, yogis need to set an intention. The intention could be something as simple as completing the challenge. Once you’ve started the challenge as a yogi, you’ll notice an increase in strength and flexibility as you keep going on with the challenge. Poses you couldn’t do on day one, you’ll be able to do on day twenty. If you’re feeling shaky doing some poses, you’ll notice that you’re stronger and feeling less shaky the next time you try doing the same pose. 

There’s a lot of growth to expect during a yoga challenge. But once you’re done, you’ll notice that yoga has stuck with you, and you’d like to keep on practicing yoga for at least a few days a week. Not everyone will keep up with daily yoga after completing the challenge, and that’s okay. But sticking to at least practicing yoga three times a week is an excellent place to start. 

During a 30-day yoga challenge, you’ll notice that yoga helps you clear your mind and stretch your body. Whether practiced after a long working day or at the start of the day, yoga will help you calm down your rushing thoughts and concentrate on your breath. Doing this helps calm down the nervous system and prevents you from being overly anxious all the time. You’ll learn to be present and at the moment through this practice.