How does a Narcissist become a Narcissist

How does a narcissist become a narcissist?

Narcissists are difficult to deal with, whether you’re dating one, friends with one, or related to a narcissist. They have an admiration for themselves that can result in abusive, manipulative techniques. You might wonder- how does a narcissist become a narcissist? What happens to make them that way?

A narcissist becomes a narcissist through a combination of environmental and genetic factors. There are many cases where it’s unclear what the root cause of narcissism is in an individual.

Read on to learn more about narcissists and how they become the way they are. We’ll talk about typical behaviors, influential factors, and more. Let’s get started!

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Does a Narcissist Know They Are a Narcissist?

To an outside observer, it might be obvious to spot a narcissist. What about them? Do narcissists know they’re narcissists, or are they oblivious to their manipulative behaviors? If a person has a full-blown narcissistic personality disorder, they typically do not know they’re a narcissist. They feel like they’re justified in their actions.

However, sometimes a narcissist is aware of their actions. A narcissist will know they’re a narcissist if they:

  • Struggle with borderline narcissistic tendencies
  • Are interested in what others think about them

Still, it’s rare for a narcissist to be aware of what they are. Just because an individual isn’t aware of what they are doesn’t make it okay. Narcissism is a personality disorder, and it’s critical to acknowledge it. Learn more about the narcissist and empath relationship cycle to acknowledge the behaviors on this two individuals.

Is Narcissism a Learned Behavior?

Although there are some cases where an individual’s personality tends to lean on the side of narcissistic personality behavior, more forms of narcissism are learned. Paths form in childhood that linger and drifts into the being of the adult narcissist.

In the womb, a baby spends time by themself to develop the basics they need to thrive outside the womb. Once they’re born, their world changes forever. So does the world of the parents. To understand the behavior of a narcissist, read this article to find the 9 traits of a narcissist.

Unfortunately, many individuals are not ready to be parents. They take the formative childhood years for granted and instill values in the child that turn out a young narcissist.

How Does a Narcissist Become a Narcissist?

Although it’s possible for a narcissist to always be the way they are, most often they become the way they are due to certain factors. There is a narcissistic relationship cycle: beginning, middle, and end that if learned, it could be easier to understand a narcissist and their behavior.  There are two sections these factors fall under in a person’s life.

The most influential items that make a narcissist a narcissist include:

  • Environmental factors
  • Genetic factors

These will shape who a narcissist is in life. Let’s dive into each of these a little more so you can better understand the often tragic upbringing of a narcissist. Most often, their personality is a way of coping with how they grew up in the world. Still, it’s never okay.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors are responsible for shaping a child into a narcissist in their adult life. Unfortunately, many households are not fit for children. If there are genetic issues and environmental factors, there’s a high chance a child may become a narcissist in their adult life.

A few examples of environmental factors that make a narcissist include:

  • Childhood abuse or neglect
  • Unrealistic parental expectations
  • Over Pampering

These are all contributing factors. It doesn’t take long in developmental years for a child to latch onto ideas and personality traits to deal with their hand dealt in life. Genetic factors also might contribute to their future personality.

Genetic Factors

Genetic factors come into play as well. These are often in the form of defects. Sometimes, inherited traits won’t result in a narcissist if the child is parented correctly. However, genetic and environmental factors are a recipe for disaster in adult life.

A few examples of genetic factors that make a narcissist include:

  • Being born with an oversensitive temperament
  • Cognitive processing troubles

A genetic trait will rarely grow into narcissism all by itself. Environmental and genetic factors work together to make a narcissist. Still, there’s a lot that scientists don’t understand. The hope is that the future will bring more information about what makes a narcissist into a narcissist.

How Does a Narcissist End a Relationship?

A narcissistic abuse cycle is a relationship style that narcissists take on when they find a partner. They will typically start by wooing the individual, making them feel special. Then, they will push them away as they tire of the relationship.

At the end of a relationship, a narcissist typically gets mean. They might blame you for the end of the partnership or make you feel terrible about yourself. They might disconnect from you before kicking you to the curb and locating another victim.

Being at the receiving end of narcissistic abuse is a terrible feeling. If this statement applies to you, there is plenty of help out there you can access if you’ve just left or are still in this cycle.

A Great Online Resource to Help Recover From a Narcissistic Relationship

If you need help, plenty of online resources are available to help heal from a narcissistic relationship. A few are free, and a few cost a small fee, much like a course.

One of the best online is the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program from Melanie Tonia Evans. Let’s talk about this system a little more. It’s an ideal option for anyone.

The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program

The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program from Melanie Tonia Evans is a program available for those who have suffered from narcissistic abuse. The trauma can last years, and this program works to improve quality of life.

In the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program, you will get:

  • A way to release any addiction to narcissists that might linger
  • Methods to get rid of toxic relationships in your life
  • Advice on healing and loving yourself after a relationship

These are beneficial for any victim. No matter how a narcissist becomes one, it’s not okay for them to harm anyone. If you’re suffering narcissistic abuse, get help as soon as possible.