Pillars of NLP

The 4 Pillars of NLP Explained

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a phenomenal topic to study and dive into, but it is even better to create a life where you can live out the four pillars and create a life with high yielding rapport and empathetic relationships. While this will take some time to create habits and change normal routines, the outcomes are more than worth it.

The 4 Pillars Of NLP and what they mean are:

  • Outcome – Defining what you want
  • Sensory Activity – Using senses to be more aware of surroundings
  • Behavior Flexibility- Taking different actions than normal to achieve the desired outcome
  • Rapport – Adjusting communication and body language to match or suit others

No matter why you are interested in NLP, it can be helpful in almost any trade, career, or relationship you may or may not be involved in. While you may hear that using NLP is manipulative, this is purely objective and depends on how you are actually using it rather than just knowing it.

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What Is NLP

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a collection of disciplines and tools that help you with verbal and nonverbal communication. It’s a way to change and adjust behaviors and responses to achieve the desired outcome.  This is a growing discipline and now there are NLP Certification Courses Online available to practice and teach NLP.

In culture, it’s often considered a form of manipulation when people aren’t aware of how useful it can be. While it can be used as a manipulative technique in places like sales or improper leadership dynamics, it is most often used for computers to learn how to communicate effectively with humans.

The 4 Pillars Of NLP Explained

There are 4 pillars of NLP and they all work together to create a functioning process that helps to create connected relationships and conversations. All 4 pillars need to be put together to fully see and achieve the results you are looking for.


The first pillar, or step, or NLP is to determine what you want your outcome to be. Creating goals and desired achievements allows you to have something to work towards and create steps that help you work towards that goal.

If you don’t create the desired outcome, it’ll be almost impossible to measure success and achievements throughout the entire process.

Sensory Acuity

This pillar is all about using the senses the become and be more aware of what is happening around you. This is what allows you to measure how close you are to your outcome, or if you are even moving towards your desired outcome.

If you continue using your senses and being just as aware of your surroundings as you always have been, you will only learn and notice what you already have. You will not grow or learn anymore if you aren’t willing to change your sensory acuity.

Pillars Of NLP - info

Behavioral Flexibility

This pillar is all about being flexible with your behavior and allowing or teaching yourself to do things differently. Being able to have different ways of doing the same thing will give you such a wide range of compatibility with others.

This allows you to do things as you desire until it doesn’t work and then you have choices as to how to achieve the desired outcome in a different way. This also allows you to work and build relationships with many different people due to your flexibility with how things need to, or should happen in your mind.


Rapport is close relationships with other people based on humor and mutual likeness. Rapport is the way you can figure out how well NLP has worked or is working. While rapport is generally an unconscious empathetic relationship with others, it is a skill that is considered necessary in today’s world where we are consistently involved with other people.

Final Thoughts On The Pillars Of NLP

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a fantastic tool for any company, leadership training, or simple day-to-day process for learning how to create and maintain a relationship with someone. No matter what position you are in, using NLP to maintain empathetic relationships can increase your connection and the length of the relationship.