resilience trainer certification online

The 3 Best Resilience Training Certifications Online

Resilience training is an extremely important technique used to help those with mental or physical stress, trauma, and other spiritual or emotional damage. If you have experienced resilience training and want to become a trainer yourself, you are one of many people looking to pass on the benefits of professional counseling in a field such as this. So, if you are looking to get certified as a resilience trainer, where should you start?

The top 3 resilience training certifications online we’ve found are:

  1. The School of Positive Transformation
  3. The Flourishing Center

Continue reading to learn about the three best resilience training certifications online. With different attributes to each program, you should be able to find a perfect fit for yourself. As long as you are committed to gaining your certification for the benefit of others, you are on the right track. Online certification for resilience training is not a difficult task, so while you are working towards bettering the lives of others, you can avoid stress on yourself.

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How Do I Become A Resilience Trainer?

For different programs, the specifics of how to become a resilience trainer might vary. As you will see below, the top three picks for resilience training certifications online have their own unique characteristics that make them such close competitors for the top spot. In any case, it is important to do your research to find which program will work best for you.

What Are The Criteria To Become Certified As A Resilience Trainer?

To become certified as a resilience trainer, you will have to follow the specific steps of whatever online resource you are using. While the criteria will differ depending on the certification program you use, the main ideas are much the same:

  • Willingness to help those in need of resiliency training
  • The most precise attention to guides and other materials provided
  • The necessary allotted time to achieve resiliency training certification
  • Achievement of certain certifications specific to the program you choose
  • Overall passing attempt for the specific program

You will see more specific examples with the three best resiliency training programs online, but for now, the criteria you must focus on are listed above. While some of it might be a bit cliche, it is necessary to keep all of these in mind before and during your certification process.

(Before you start your resilience certification training, you might want to check out some online courses to build resilience.)

Know Your Purpose and Ultimate Goal

First of all, it is essential that you have the determination to help those in need of resiliency training.

Whether the problems involve:

  • Mental distress
  • Emotional trauma
  • Physical issues
  • Spiritual damage

All those seeking resilience training deserve to have a trainer as committed to helping them as they are to finding help.

You must also be able to adapt to the needs of certain people. Just because someone is seeking resilience training does not mean they are unstable in any way. There is a difference between hopelessness and simple interest in training oneself to better deal with their problems.

Speaking of which, you must learn and memorize the materials given to you like the back of your hand.

Resilience training is not about teaching people how to ignore their problems. It is training individuals to cope with certain conflicts to be able to live their lives as they should – with as little stress and anxiety as possible.

The guides, lectures, and additional materials provided to you during your certification process will teach you about different situations and techniques to use to help your clients.

Becoming Certified Requires a Significant Time Commitment

It might seem obvious, but you also need to set aside the necessary time to complete your resilience training certification. This feat is not something that should be taken lightly.

Just as you would with any other type of educational endeavor, you need to put forth all of your attention so you can take in all of the information you are capable of. A great way to do this is by staying focused on the task at hand by setting time aside only for your certification.

Depending on which online certification program you use, there will be certifications you must complete before earning the title of a resilience trainer. As said before, most of these certifications are going to be very similar, if not exactly the same. The one main difference is that they have different names.

In any case, you will be learning about related topics and information that will help you become certified as a resilience trainer.

By the end of your certification, the only thing left is to be awarded your passing certification. Obviously, this is the last step to complete the criteria required for a resilience trainer. Whether you pass or not is dependent on how well you follow the previous advice given to you. As long as you stay committed to achieving your goal of becoming a resilience trainer, you should have no problem finding success.

The Three Best Resilience Training Certifications Online

Now, to get to the three best resilience training certifications online. The three programs listed below are excellent choices, no matter what your choice may end up being.

The best way to decide which program will work for you is by reading about the advantages of each below while also doing your own research through the links provided.

1. School of Positive Transformation

The first resilience training program is The School of Positive Transformation’s Resilience Practitioner Certification. This resilience certification course will teach you how to get past life’s toughest challenges. You will also develop all the tools you need to teach others how to push through all of life’s problems.

One of the many things you will take away from this course is the comprehensive knowledge of the science and theory behind resilience. This course helps prepare you to:

  • Learn how to work with and handle any of your clients.
  • Understand exactly how to help each individual, no matter what they are working through.
  • You will have the tools to transform their lives for the better.

You will also learn how to do your own research on the practice of resilience. So you can be sure to stay up to date with all the new theories, exercises, and developments in resilience. Plus, you will be able to come together with other professionals in a private online community. 

When you complete this course, you will have earned your resilience practitioner certificate. Accredited by  the continuing professional development certification service. An organization that has been around since 1996 and has been the leading accreditation institution across the industry. 

No matter what your current job or future career looks like, this resilience practitioner certification will help you and your clients!

2. Resilience X

Resilience X, a powerful resource for resilience training from, allows you to customize a science-based program and inspire lives. It provides you with the essentials to conduct your own resilience training, and leverage your own unique brand with white label rights.

Resilience X is not just a program; it’s a transformative tool curated by psychologist and researcher Hugo Alberts (Ph.D.). With over a dozen years dedicated to the scientific aspects of positive psychology, Hugo Alberts brings a wealth of knowledge backed by 20+ academic publications in the field. 

The contents of Resilience X are designed to thoroughly equip you

  • Coaching manuals for practitioners
  • Workbooks for participants
  • In-depth resilience intervention video courses
  • Ready-to-utilize PowerPoint presentations
  • A holistic train the trainer course to hone your expertise
  • White label rights to use your own brand
  • Lifelong updates to Resilience X

The training sessions

  1. The Sailboat Metaphor. Embrace a unique and intuitive framework to comprehend key facets of human functioning and their interplay with resilience.
  2. Mastering Attention. Guide participants in seizing control of their attention, delving into critical concepts such as negativity bias and Broaden and Build Theory.
  3. The Power of Thoughts. Unveil the potential of thoughts through appraisal theory, benefit finding, and explanatory styles.
  4. Motivation to Push Forward. Strengthen the link between values and actions, igniting a compelling force to navigate challenging times.
  5. Effective Coping. Explore coping mechanisms in the face of stressors and distinguish helpfulness from unhelpfulness.
  6. The Resilience Plan. Conclude the journey by guiding clients to craft a tailored resilience plan, integrating tools and strategies fostered throughout the program.

Priced at $ 1,150, Resilience X isn’t limited to a specific audience; it’s for anyone ready to learn, apply, or teach resilience in their personal or professional journey. From coaches and trainers to teachers and consultants, HR managers to organizational development specialists, and leadership experts, Resilience X caters to diverse fields, offering a path to enhanced mental well-being.

3. The Flourishing Center

The Flourishing Center’s Bounce Back Better (B³) Resilience Trainer Certification is another excellent choice when looking at the programs you can choose from.

The Flourishing Center’s B³ program teaches necessary skills to train resilience in a large spectrum of environments, be it schools, workplaces, or any other community.

The only possible setback to The Flourishing Center’s B³ certification is that before being able to participate, you must be a graduate of their Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology program. However, knowing that reliance trainers certified by the Flourishing Center have completed this prerequisite might make trainees more inclined to trust them. Training for B³ includes:

16 Building Blocks for Bouncing Back Better

  • The 16 Building Blocks for B³ teach you core concepts of resilience training and how to implement those concepts into your own training sessions. By using a building block structure, you will combine the simple steps with increasingly more specific, interactive, or complex pieces of information to teach your trainees how to be resilient.

Information sessions

  • The information sessions teach you how to act as a teacher yourself by equipping you with the skills to run a workshop or facilitate a lecture in a way that encourages engagement and interaction.

Specific attributes for different audiences

  • You will earn different ways to explain the 16 Building Blocks to different audiences. Teaching resilience training to a room full of salespeople is much different than teaching it to kids. With B³, you will know how to approach various scenarios.

24+ hours of teachable content

  • The Flourishing Center’s 16-week program is great for those who want to take in as much information as possible to have the ability to teach resilience to as broad of an audience as possible.

What’s A Possible Next Step?

Wherever you choose to get your resilience trainer certification online, it is essential that you follow through with the company to take advantage of additional information and/or opportunities that they might offer at your disposal. Each certification program listed above has additional opportunities for:

  • Honing your skills
  • Practicing different techniques
  • Finding trainees that you must make a point to look into

Other steps can include actively offering your services to communities around you. Regardless of how much help you get from the program you received certification from, it is equally important to promote yourself. Whether this is through in-person interactions, reaching out on social media, or anything else, staying determined in finding participants is essential.


As a certified resilience trainer, you can do more good than you might imagine. Everyday stress and anxiety are not going away anytime soon, and if you feel called to become a resilience trainer, you will benefit from looking more deeply into the certification programs listed in this article.

(To learn more about resilience, check out this article on the 7 C’s of resilience!)