Tips for Holding A Handstand

5 Tips for Holding a Handstand

Handstands are becoming more popular in the gym and yoga studios. It might look like an advanced exercise, but you should pick it up quickly if you train regularly. It is a challenging exercise but has many benefits that people often ignore. So, what are the five tips for holding a handstand?

Holding a handstand is a move that is part strength training, part gymnastics that engages significant muscle groups and looks impressive. However, holding a handstand can be challenging for some people because you must engage muscles that seem unrelated but are critical to the exercise. So read on and learn the top five tips for holding a handstand!

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Why Is Holding a Handstand So Hard?

You may be trying to hold a handstand but keep failing. Don’t give up. Just keep trying. There are reasons why holding a handstand is so hard.

Handstands are tricky because it takes several different aspects of fitness to make them work. In addition, they can be intimidating for some people as being upside down is unnatural, and they could be harmed.

Most people only concentrate on working their beach muscles or refuse to push themselves in their yoga or calisthenic practice, so the muscles needed to hold a handstand are unprepared to hold the handstand.

What's the Toughest Part of Holding a Handstand?

When talking about the handstand, you must include several different factors. Once combined, these elements allow you to have a strong and balanced handstand that you can hold for long periods. 

By combining strength, form, and balance, you can get a comfortable position on the joints, making it easier to get into. The factors needed to have a comfortable handstand are as follows.


One of the pivotal factors in handstands is keeping your balance. The goal is to keep your hands moving to keep your weight distributed. 

Once you stop moving, your body needs to know how to stay balanced. Some ways, like using your legs, can also help to increase your balance.


Keeping your limbs and muscles in the proper form for a handstand is another way to make them comfortable. 

If you don’t have your arms by your ears on the ascent or your head looking behind you when at the top, chances are you won’t be able to hold the lift. Keeping correct form is essential with calisthenic exercises.


Strength is critical to doing the handstand. The shoulders, core, and legs must have adequate power to move the body. 

The handstand will expose it if you lack one of these areas. If needed, take time to hit the weight room and concentrate on pressing through your hands with dumbbells or a shoulder press machine. 

Balance, form, and strength can all be improved with practice. Adding additional moves to your yoga flow or resistance training can increase your chances of holding your handstand longer. 

So get out there and get to work; before you know it, you will hold your handstand for as long as possible.

What Does It Mean to Keep a Tight Core During a Handstand?

Keeping a tight core means contracting the abdominals, glutes, and legs as you exercise. 

By keeping your core tight, you force muscles to hold this position. Isometric holds have increased strength and provided a firm foundation for all athletic activities. 

For example, a tight core during the handstand is essential as all the core muscles are needed to hold yourself upright.

5 Tips for Holding a Handstand

Getting a good handstand requires holding to a few tenets that might be challenging but make all the difference. Once you bring all the pieces together, you will have a smooth, comfortable handstand. Remember that some rules take a bit of practice, so set aside extra time if needed. Handstand training should be relatively strenuous; following a routine will show results. 

1. Keep Your Arms On Your Ears

Bracing your arms for the handstand requires taking your arms and keeping them firmly against your head. This isn’t a literal translation.

 If you have weakness in the shoulders or triceps, you could have trouble keeping your arms locked during the exercise. Remember that your hands must be shoulder-width apart to hold your weight—no close hands. 

2. Keep Your Core Contracted

Another essential aspect of holding a handstand is contracting your core muscles. Pay special attention to flexing your glutes and legs, as forming a solid line is imperative to keeping your handstand upright. 

Use the kicking phase of the handstand to work on flexing these muscles and concentrate on the glutes.

3. Point the Toe

In addition to flexing your quads and hamstrings, you should point your toes when upright. Remember that a handstand is a critical balance of your muscles and your ability to keep your body in a rigid piece. 

If the toes are dangling, the other leg parts cannot be flexed, interfering with your balance.

Tips for Holding a Handstand - info

4. Grip the Ground

Using your fingers to get a broader base by gripping the ground is fantastic. Using your fingers could take a bit of practice, as most people do not train grip strength when practicing yoga or calisthenics. 

Add some gripping to your vinyasa flows, or practice hanging from a pull-up bar.

5. Look Back

Another critical part of the handstand is knowing where your head should be. If you watch Olympic gymnasts, they use their heads as a balance point and look backward when in the upright position. 

You could be forcing your head towards your chest but should work towards touching the back of your head against your traps.


Learning to hold a handstand is something that requires you to have good balance, strength, and form. If one is out of whack, you must bring it up to par. Remember that the handstand looks intimidating, but there are progressions you can use and handstand courses online to help you master it without the fear of falling.

Yoga and calisthenics work only if you pay attention to your form, balance, and strength. By mastering all three aspects, you learn to control your body much better and improve your mind and ability to shut things out. Be mindful that yoga is a place to push your muscles and your mind.