Tips for Teaching Yoga on Zoom

7 Great Tips for Teaching Yoga on Zoom

Though it may seem counterintuitive to many, teaching yoga on Zoom is a great way to connect with clients who are all around the world. Especially with the recent push for online technology in the time surrounding the pandemic, it is more urgent than ever before to be well-informed on how to teach yoga using Zoom.

Some of the best tips for teaching yoga on Zoom include setting up security, doing technology checks, being patient, connecting with your students, and adjusting the practice to deal with the complexities of online learning.

Do not worry if it at first seems daunting. Teaching Zoom yoga will get easier with practice. Keep reading to learn more about these seven great tips and how you can integrate them into your yoga instruction.

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Virtual Yoga is Here to Stay!

When the pandemic started, many people probably assumed that their yoga practice would be online for a limited time only. However, it is undeniable that there are benefits to doing yoga virtually.

Even though there are now many classes that have returned to in-person instruction, it is still a good idea to learn how to do virtual yoga. The following are some benefits of online yoga and statistics that illustrate just how popular it has become:

  • Flexibility: Online yoga now allows people to do their practice from the comfort of their own home or from anywhere in the world, increasing the likelihood that people will show up to classes.
  • Access: Regardless of where you are in the world, yogis will be able to tune into their favorite instructor’s class. If you have dedicated students, this means your student retention rate will be much higher because they can attend classes from anywhere.
  • Popularity: During the pandemic, an amazing 67 percent of yogis chose to attend livestream classes. Many of these students will still choose to attend online classes in the future.

When looking at these benefits, it is clear that online yoga is a force in the yoga world that is here to stay.

The Move to Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Classes Online and Zoom

Regardless of your personal opinions of online versus in-person yoga, it is clear that Zoom yoga is an important contender in the yoga world. For this reason, yoga instructors should seriously consider learning how to teach in online formats.

Many yoga teacher training courses online are now offered online as well, meaning that people can increase their education and take steps toward a profitable career without leaving their home.

Additionally, being able to teach online and having web proficiency can make you much more competitive as a yoga instructor, giving you access to exciting job opportunities that you may not have otherwise had.

7 Great Tips for Teaching Yoga on Zoom

While it is clear that it is important to know how to teach yoga on online platforms such as Zoom, you may be wondering how exactly you can do this with success. The following sections will give you some great tips to take your instruction into the digital age.

Triple Check Technology

Things can go wrong on computers, and nothing disrupts the flow of a class more than technical difficulties. Before hosting your first class, you should check the following things

  • Wi-Fi Connection
  • Camera angles and lighting
  • Microphone

If your students cannot hear or see you properly, they will not be able to engage with the class.

Set Up Security

Though millions of people across the world use Zoom, it can still be subject to hacking or unwanted intrusions. For the security of your students, you should add a password and a waiting room for every Zoom class you have.

Additionally, only send the Zoom link privately to your students through email and avoid posting the link on social media or your website.

You should also mute participants on entry and throughout the class, not only for security but for ease of use.

Keep it Simple

Though you may be able to use music and other props in person, this is much more difficult when you have a virtual class. Keep your class simple, avoiding elaborate props and background effects as this may make the class difficult to follow or understand.

Another easy method to introduce this practice is to use these 7 ways of using yoga cards for kids.

Start Slow

For your first classes, you should not expect your students to be as in-tune as they might be in a studio. Begin with easy, familiar poses so your students can have something comfortable to turn to in this new experience. When things are going smoothly, you can ramp up the difficulty level.

Demo Everything

While using simple poses, you should still give students a visual. Demo everything so that they can follow along.

For this, you will need to make sure that:

  • Your camera is at a good angle
  • Your background is free of distractions
  • Your video quality is clear

It may be worthwhile to invest in good equipment to provide the best experience.

Check on Your Students

Zoom can still be personalized, and you should make sure your students are doing well. Find the 7 ways yoga helps with stress management to help reinforce to others how this practice is well performed.

At the beginning of class and end of class, reserve time for some conversation so you can ask students how they feel and their opinions on how the class could improve.

After a few classes, you may also wish to send out a survey so you can get more specific and concrete feedback.

Be Patient

Online classes are a learning process, and you should not expect everything to go perfectly from the start! Be transparent with your students that you are still learning, and do not get disheartened when things go wrong.

Do not be afraid to make improvements and changes, and know that your students will respect you more for doing so.


In an increasingly technological world, our approaches to yoga must likewise adjust. Though yoga is an ancient practice, it can provide great benefits when offered on online platforms such as Zoom. As a yoga instructor, you can increase your versatility by learning how to teach online.

Teaching on Zoom does not have to be a daunting prospect. It may take some time to adjust your practice to a digital space, but once you have figured it out, your students will have a new and exciting way to learn yoga.