YogaRenew vs My Vinyasa Practice YTT Comparison

As a teacher, it’s critical to receive the best possible training. Two of the most popular educators online are YogaRenew and My Vinyasa Practice. If you’re interested in taking on yoga teacher training, it may be tricky to tell the difference between the two. What separates the Yoga Renew Teacher Training and My Vinyasa Practice?

Although there are benefits to both products, My Vinyasa Practice comes out on top. It wins in multiple categories, and where it doesn’t win, it comes out on par with what Yoga Renew has to offer.

If you’re interested in learning more about YogaRenew and My Vinyasa Practice, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn more about what separates the two, including the stats and offerings they possess. The more you know, the better a decision you can make for training purposes.

Criteria for Comparing the Two Online YTT Providers

When determining what sets two YTT centers apart, it’s critical to set forth criteria. There are a few items we will judge each organization by to determine which is ideal for someone interested in yoga teacher training.

Here are the items we will examine:

  • Price
  • Features
  • Available teachers

These are critical to interested yoga teachers.

My Vinyasa Practice and YogaRenew offer their yoga teacher training online. These standards are a little different than if the classes were in-person. What is online yoga teacher training?

What is Online YTT

Times have changed. In the past, yoga teacher training was only accessible by attending classes in person. Now, you can take courses online and receive training through a computer screen.

Online yoga teacher training allows those who otherwise would have no time for the commitment to further their education in the yoga world. It’s simple to see which are Yoga Alliance approved for the best results. Two of the prominent companies are YogaRenew and My Vinyasa Practice.

Yoga Renew vs My Vinyasa Practice YTT Comparison

YogaRenew and My Vinyasa Practice are two of the most popular places to get yoga teacher training. If you are debating between the two, it’s critical to determine which has the most to offer for your money.

We will look at each company and decide what they stand for in the yoga world. From there, we will examine their stats and offerings to determine the dominant force for yoga teacher training. The more you know, the more practical a decision you can make.

Yoga Renew

Yoga Renew is a company that operates entirely online. You won’t find any in-person courses here – everything they do exists in video and image format. Yoga Renew works to make yoga accessible and affordable, training and spreading yogis to any part of the world and country they can.

No matter where you live in the world, Yoga Renew has a course for you. They are easy to access and packed with knowledgeable instructors prepared to turn interested students into experienced yoga teachers. They want to give anyone a chance to experience yoga teacher training for the betterment of the yoga world. Let’s examine their stats and offerings.

Stats and Offerings

YogaRenew offers 200-hour, 300-hour, and 500-hour yoga teacher training options. All of their teaching sessions occur online, permitting access to students across the country. They are approved by the Yoga Alliance.

Here are a few offerings you will find from YogaRenew:

  • Full refund for seven days after unsatisfactory purchase
  • 24/7 online support with mentors and curriculum
  • Videos recorded with professional audio and visuals
  • $437 tuition, or an $80 a month payment plan for six months
  • Approval from the Yoga Alliance

These will provide a quality yoga teacher training experience.

There are excellent offerings available through YogaRenew. Let’s take a look at their competitor to determine which has the better yoga teacher training.

My Vinyasa Practice

My Vinyasa Practice exists in Austin, Texas. They offer training sessions in person, but most of their students take advantage of their online, Yoga Alliance-certified courses. The founder, Michelle Young, is well-known for her passion for yoga and teaching. 

The coolest thing about My Vinyasa Practice is the way they provide options for online and in-person courses. No matter what you prefer, you can take advantage of the options they provide. Online, you won’t lose the depth and experience you would gain in person. Let’s take a look at their stats and offerings to see how they compare to YogaRenew.

Stats and Offerings

My Vinyasa Practice offers 200-hour, 300-hour, and 500-hour yoga teacher training options. All online sessions are recorded ahead of time and self-paced to fit any lifestyle. Each session comes in a weekly format to simplify the process for the student.

Here are a few offerings you will find from My Vinyasa Practice:

  • Full refund for thirty days after unsatisfactory purchase
  • Four types of support: One-on-one live mentor, in-person mentor, peer support representative, and private Facebook group
  • Videos recorded with professional audio and visuals
  • $375 tuition, or a 3-month payment play for $250 a month
  • Approval from the Yoga Alliance

These will make every session a quality one.

My Vinyasa Practice is highly competitive with YogaRenew. Which of these options comes out on top? Which is the better choice for yoga teacher training?


Although you won’t be disappointed by either choice for yoga teacher training, we think My Vinyasa Practice comes out on top. They have more to offer interested students and provide better quality. Both are Yoga Alliance-approved, so you can feel safe with either company if you decide to go with YogaRenew instead.

We hope this information was helpful! It can be tricky to determine the best yoga teacher training with many course options online. Although we have an opinion on the best for your money, everyone is different. It’s up to you to determine the training style that will suit your needs and provide an ideal foot forward for the rest of your life.