Welcome to Mind is the Master

There are so many good resources that help guide us on our journey in life. When we start, all we have is what our family and closest friends know and have shared. They create for you a resource pool that feeds your imagination. They are the belief system until around 10 or 11 or your early teens (if you’re lucky). You start to question the validity. You begin to wonder what is real and what is made up. Finally, you become a young adult and start on your solo journey in life. You begin to detach from what you know, and the people that used to surround you are around a little less.

At some point, you realize the world is both vast and somehow small, but there is a crazy amount of knowledge you don’t have. Not only is their expertise for our times but there is the knowledge that has been built over thousands of years in civilizations and places you’ve never been or may never see.

MITM is a place that provides you with the next-level resource pool to help you expand but with a singular focus. We want to bring the best thinking and practices into one place that speaks to intentional personal growth and prosperity. Whether you’re in your late teens or well into adulthood, there is always room for growth.

Before I forget, I also want to share the inspiration behind the site’s domain name. It comes from a short poem written within one of my top 5 books, each of which has helped shape and influence me and the structure of this site. Still, this one in particular was one of the first. It crystallized for me the profound impact thoughts have on your psyche, how the state of our lives reflects those thoughts, and maybe more importantly, how to manage them in partnership with belief, live intentionally, and create the outcomes you consciously choose.

The book is called As You Think by James Allen. (Link is to Amazon). The poem sets the tone for the book and goes like this:

Mind is the Master power that molds and makes, And we are Mind, and ever more we take the tool of thought and shape what will bring forth a thousand joys and ills. We think in secret, and it comes to pass – Our world is but our looking glass. – James Allen

The team behind MITM is a collection of professionals, authors, and regular people who have lived, failed, and learned. We have studied and carved off the fat of knowledge and distilled the fundamentals of growth and prosperity for our readers. In addition, we heavily emphasize clarity of mind, both from the perspective of momentary mental clarity and creating opportunities for your future betterment. There are so many fantastic online resources and plenty of opportunities to grow and improve.

You are capable of so much more! You likely don’t know what it takes to get there. The resources within or referenced at MITM can help. From articles on meditation to living the yogic lifestyle or personal development, relationships to creating a wealth mindset, each article here has been crafted to guide you to purposeful self-development to help you start unveiling that potential, not for the world but for yourself. When you realize your potential, you’ll become contagious to yourself.

Your Mind is the Master of your destiny. Slow your body and mind down. Be intentional with your thoughts and actions, and create the life you’ve imagined for yourself!

Our Team

Luke Ocean


Luke Ocean is a writer, self-proclaimed bio-hacker, wellness advocate and yoga expert. Luke grew up on...

Joanne Highland


Joanne Highland is a certified yoga and barre fitness teacher with over 500 hours of...

Benedict Beaumont


Benedict is a Breathwork Facilitator, Yoga Teacher and founder of the Breathing Space School of...

Courtney Lavonne


Courtney Lavonne is a Professional Astrologer, relationship decoder, and starry-eyed storyteller. She is that friend...

Jeremy Youst


Jeremy Youst is the Founder and Director of the Power of Breath Institute. He utilizes...

Rachel Markowitz


Rachel recently found herself over a decade deep in a worldwide wander guided by what...