Live With Intention

What does it mean to live with intention?

Another approach to answering this question is to ask the opposite question: What does it mean to live without intention? Are you living life, or is life living you? Do external events or people push you into a negative state that is difficult to escape? Or is it you who determines your experience of life? What happens in life cannot be controlled. Many things in life are imposed on you, whether you like it or not.

However, just as a competent surfer does not control the wave but masters the art of riding it, you, too, can determine how you deal with challenges. How do you direct your course and travel life’s currents meaningfully?

A few simple ways of living with intention are:

  1. Using your free will.
  2. Being present.
  3. Cultivating mindfulness.
  4. Adjusting your expectations.
  5. Appreciating your uniqueness.

Here, you will find some simple tips that can help you move towards living a life with intention. But at the end of the day, each individual determines what it means to live with intention, depending on their goals and life purpose.

Tips to Live a Life With Intention

Although it sounds great, living a life with intention still requires one to put in some work. It’s simpler to go through life and let people or circumstances dictate the day than to set intentions and stick to them. We may, however, steer our course and live a life that is true to our wishes, needs, objectives, and desires by raising awareness about intentional living.

“What do I really want to do with my life?” Assessing that question is crucial to living with more intention. “What are your top priorities? What would make you happier and more fulfilled? What do you want to do with your time, and who do you want to spend it with? What are your objectives, and how can you attain them? What changes do you wish to improve your quality of life?”

Thankfully, here are tips to help you answer those questions and, most importantly, start living a life with intention. So read on to learn more!

Live with Intention

1. Use your free will

It is easy to be carried along by automatic reactions rather than determine your responses to life’s challenges. But whatever happens, you have free will how to respond to the situation. If you react without taking control, events and other people have the power over your emotions, thoughts, and actions. But if you choose your responses, the rewards are great – inner freedom and self-mastery.

2. Be present

Be wholeheartedly engaged in what you are doing and what is going on right here, physically, mentally, and emotionally. This might seem obvious, but especially when doing routine or familiar tasks like driving or washing up, it’s easy for attention to drift away into dwelling on the past or future, imaginary scenarios, or non-specific automatic mind chatter. When that happens, your awareness of what is happening and what you are doing is reduced. You spend time in your head rather than in the actual experience. But the here and now is your real home, and being there has many benefits.

3. Cultivate mindfulness

What is mindfulness?  Mindfulness is the way to presence. It includes being grounded and aware of yourself, your surroundings, and the people in them. As your horizons are expanded, multiple impressions provide helpful feedback about what is going on, allowing you to make better decisions and take more effective action. You can be more confident as you are actually ‘there’ to deal with issues and apply yourself fully to what the situation requires. Being mindfully present and giving others your full attention is essential for establishing and maintaining good relationships. But above all, it allows you to live a conscious, self-directed life. Consider an online mindfulness course to highlight your devotion to the practice and educate you on the best methods.

4. Adjust your expectations

When people or situations disappoint, you need to assess the reality of the situation and revise your expectations accordingly. Perhaps you misjudged the person or situation or were unprepared for a surprising turn of events. Reviews and reconsidering what can reasonably be expected are part of everyday life.

But some people try to ward off potential shocks by censoring their expectations in advance: I always expect the worst, so I won’t be walloped when bad things happen. Other people avoid optimism because they fear being unable to cope when things turn out badly: If I don’t expect much, I won’t be disappointed.

It’s a strange logic with a touch of superstition: expecting to feel bad later rather than feel good now. Such attitudes often become self-fulfilling prophecies. With so much attention given to negative expectations, how could anything positive find its way in?

5. Appreciate your uniqueness

We are all unique, and that is what makes each one of us an incredible being. All of us are filled with different talents and gifts that we can share with the world. 

We all have our weaknesses and flaws, but that makes us extraordinary. Embracing our flaws and qualities is key to appreciating and accepting ourselves and allowing us to comprehend our uniqueness even more. 

Do you appreciate the You that is you? It is a combination of many facets that make up your unique You. When you genuinely understand your special characteristics, there is no need to feel wrong about being different. You do not need to conform to how others do things if that is not a good fit for you. You are the center of your life, and the more you are your true You, the more you can walk your path.

6. Assess what is really important to you

Purpose provides a direction for life; you know what you want to express or achieve and look for ways of doing that. The purpose is different from the goals. A purpose relates to the road to be traveled, whereas goals are the stops. When your direction is significant and worthwhile, your life has meaning.

Internal questioning or dramatic external changes can trigger the search for meaning and purpose. Usually, people are sure of what they do not want anymore but have not yet discovered what they want. For example, a tradesperson works hard for financial stability and, when achieved, sells the business. Traveling the world is fun at first, but then the questioning: What does he want to do with the rest of his life that gives him fulfillment?

Imposed situations can also lead to reviewing how life is going. For example, after traumatic experiences, many people seek to share their knowledge and insights for the benefit of others. They set up charities, volunteer, talk, create art, or write a book. Focused on issues greater than themselves, they seek to contribute something valuable to the world and themselves.

7. Find your own meaning and purpose

Your ideas need not be spectacular, public, or even specific. They can be a feeling, longing for something better, a sense of overall direction and destination. It may be something bigger than yourself, a vision that energizes and fills life with interest and challenge. Or you can be like an athlete working to improve her PB – personal best – and become your best version of yourself. Whatever you choose will be important for expressing who you are and what is of value to you.

Other people might try and tell you the direction to take and what your purpose should be. Don’t be distracted or diverted; find what suits you and makes you feel good about yourself. Choose your road to travel, even if it is not a smooth ride. To find your way towards new meaning and purpose, consider some of the following questions:

  • What is it that makes my life worth living?
  • What do I want my life to be?
  • Who do I want to be?
  • How can I express my unique gifts and characteristics?
  • What can I introduce into my life that will give me fulfillment, joy, and a sense of direction?
  • What would I like mentioned about me in a funeral service or edged into my tombstone?

Final words

Living a life with intention and finding your life’s purpose is the best gift you can give to yourself and others. When you live a life where staying true to yourself and sticking to your values is a priority, everything else falls into place.

Creating our own life is up to each one of us. Living intentionally and working towards our goals will always be in our best interests. What gives your life meaning and purpose? Are you walking a path in life that is uniquely yours? What are your experiences? Feel free to share your thoughts and leave a comment.