The Nine Phases of Qigong Explained

The Nine Phases of Qigong Explained

The concept of qi, the vital life force that flows within and around us, has been an integral part of traditional Chinese culture for millennia. Qi cultivation, often associated with practices like qigong, tai chi, and traditional Chinese medicine, is a journey of self-discovery and mastery. At the heart of this profound journey are the nine phases of qigong.

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What are the 9 phases of qigong?

Each of the nine phases of qigong offers a unique insight into the art of harnessing, harmonizing, and ultimately mastering qi.

Discover Qi: Forming the Ball of Qi

The first phase in the cultivation of qi is like setting out on a grand expedition, one where the explorer must first become aware of the treasures hidden within. In the world of qi, this treasure is qi itself. Discovering qi is about recognizing its subtle presence within and around you. It’s like feeling a gentle breeze on your skin or sensing the warmth of the sun on your face.

Discovering qi often begins with heightened awareness and sensitivity to your body’s sensations. Many practitioners start by focusing their attention on the breath, feeling the rise and fall of the chest and the gentle rhythm of inhalation and exhalation. As awareness deepens, you may start to notice sensations of warmth, tingling, or even a subtle electrical charge within your body. These sensations are the first whispers of qi.

Qi discovery also extends to recognizing the qi in the natural world. It’s the sensation of vitality in the air during a sunrise or the peaceful energy emanating from a tranquil forest. Through meditation, breathwork, and mindfulness, individuals can awaken to the existence of qi, setting the stage for the transformative journey ahead.

Gather Qi: Gathering Qi from Heaven and Earth

Once the presence of qi is acknowledged, the next phase is to gather it, much like collecting scattered marbles. Gathering qi is consciously drawing in this life force from the surrounding environment and allowing it to accumulate within your body.

Practices like deep breathwork training, meditation, and qigong movements are essential tools in the gathering phase. Deep, intentional breaths serve as a bridge between your internal qi and the external qi of the universe. With each inhalation, you invite qi into your body, while each exhalation helps to release stagnant or impure qi.

Gathering qi is not limited to physical actions; it involves mental focus and intention. As you inhale, imagine you are drawing in pure, vibrant energy. Feel it permeate every cell, revitalizing and replenishing your entire being. This process sets the stage for the harmonious flow of qi in subsequent phases.

Circulate Qi: Inner Rivers Flowing

With a reservoir of gathered qi, the next phase is circulation. Think of qi as a river that needs to flow smoothly through a network of channels in your body. These channels, often referred to as meridians in traditional Chinese medicine, serve as highways for qi to travel and nourish different organs and systems.

Circulating qi involves guiding it through these channels, ensuring it reaches every nook and cranny of your body. This phase is crucial for balancing and harmonizing the flow of energy. When qi circulates freely, it can dissolve blockages and alleviate stagnation, promoting overall well-being.

There are various techniques to facilitate the circulation of qi, including gentle movements, stretches, and postures found in practices like tai chi and qigong. These movements not only help guide qi but also encourage its smooth flow, like that river finding its way through a meandering landscape.

Purify Qi: Clearing the Small Universe

Just as a river can accumulate debris and impurities along its journey, so too can qi become contaminated. The purification phase focuses on cleansing qi of any negative or stagnant energy, ensuring its vitality and quality.

Purification involves a combination of physical and mental practices. Physically, it may include exercises such as detoxifying breathwork or specific qigong movements designed to release trapped or stagnant qi. Mentally, purification can involve visualization techniques where you imagine any impurities being expelled from your body as you exhale.

This phase is not only about removing impurities but also about letting go of emotional baggage and mental clutter that can hinder the free flow of qi. By purifying both body and mind, you create a cleaner vessel for qi to reside, promoting a sense of lightness and clarity.

Direct Qi: Trace the Channels

Once qi is purified and flows smoothly, the next phase involves directing it with intention. Think of this phase as steering a ship with a clear destination in mind. By directing qi, you can use its energy to achieve specific goals or address particular areas of your life that require attention.

Directing qi is a skill that requires focus and mindfulness. You can guide qi to areas of the body that need healing or revitalization. You can also direct it towards mental or emotional challenges, such as reducing stress or enhancing creativity. The intention and visualization play a significant role in this phase, as they provide the blueprint for how qi is to be utilized.

Practices like qi projection and energy healing are rooted in the direct phase, where individuals learn to harness and channel qi for healing, self-improvement, and even helping others.

Conserve Qi: Watching Clouds Pass

While directing qi is essential, it’s equally crucial to understand the concept of conservation. Imagine having a finite reservoir of energy; without proper conservation, it can be depleted quickly. The conserve phase involves being mindful of how you expend and replenish your qi.

Qi conservation is about striking a balance between action and rest, between giving and receiving. It’s the art of knowing when to exert energy and when to conserve it. Practitioners often learn to gauge their qi levels and make conscious choices about how to use their energy wisely.

This phase also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, rest, and stress management. By conserving qi, individuals can optimize their energy levels and overall well-being.

Store Qi: Bathing the Marrow

Storing qi is effectively like saving for a rainy day. It involves accumulating and preserving surplus qi for future use. This surplus energy can serve as a reserve during times of illness, stress, or intense physical or mental exertion.

Storage practices often involve deep meditation, where individuals learn to gather and compact qi into specific energy centers within the body. These energy centers act as reservoirs, storing qi for when it is needed most.

Storing qi is not about hoarding energy but rather about having a surplus available for times when your body and mind require an extra boost. It’s a valuable skill for maintaining resilience and vitality.

Transform Qi: Immortal Dragon Cultivating Golden Elixir

Transformation is a fundamental principle in qi cultivation. It’s the phase where you learn to refine and elevate the quality of your qi. This involves converting raw, unrefined qi into a more potent and harmonious form.

It often requires advanced practices and a deep understanding of energy dynamics. It’s about transmuting lower-quality qi into a higher vibrational state. This refined qi can have profound effects on your health, vitality, and spiritual development.

Transformation practices can include advanced qigong exercises, specific meditation techniques, and energy work with a qualified teacher. It’s a phase that often requires patience and dedication but can lead to profound shifts in one’s energy and consciousness.

Dissolve in Qi: Dissolve Into Light

The final phase of qi cultivation is dissolution. It’s a phase that brings the practitioner full circle, back to a state of unity with the universal qi. Dissolving involves letting go of the boundaries between self and other, recognizing that you are an integral part of the larger energy matrix of the universe.

This phase is deeply spiritual and often leads to profound experiences of interconnectedness and oneness. It’s a reminder that qi, in its essence, is not something to be possessed but something to be experienced and shared. Dissolution practices often involve deep meditation and a profound sense of surrender. It’s a phase where the ego begins to dissolve, and the practitioner experiences a profound sense of unity with the universe.


The nine phases of qigong offer a profound roadmap for those on the journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a newcomer to the world of qi, these phases provide valuable insights into the art of harnessing and harmonizing the vital life force that permeates our existence.

Remember that the journey of qi cultivation is not a linear path but a dynamic and evolving process. Each phase offers its own challenges and rewards, and it’s essential to approach the practice with patience, dedication, and an open heart. As you navigate these phases, you may discover a deeper connection with your own inner vitality and the vast energy of the universe, ultimately leading to a more balanced and harmonious life.