
Understanding the Dai Ko Myo Reiki Symbol

Symbols hold remarkable power in Reiki, each representing unique energies and spiritual meanings. Among these, the Dai Ko Myo symbol stands out for its emphasis on enlightenment and healing, widely known as the “master symbol” in Reiki practice. It symbolizes the culmination of Reiki’s growth and is considered the most potent symbol.

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Understanding Dai Ko Myo Reiki Symbol

At first glance, the Dai Ko Myo symbol may seem like a simple design, but its components carry dynamic meanings:

  1. The Crown Chakra (Top Part): This segment symbolizes the gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.
  2. The Heart Chakra (Middle Part): Representing love, compassion, and the interconnectedness of all life forms.
  3. The Root Chakra (Bottom Part): Linked to grounding spiritual energy, fostering a connection between the spiritual and physical realms.

Drawing the Dai Ko Myo Reiki Symbol in 6 Steps

Before drawing the Dai Ko Myo Reiki symbol, center yourself and enter a calm and focused intention. This helps you channel the symbol’s energy effectively.

drawing the dai ko myo reiki symbol

Next, close your eyes and visualize the Dai Ko Myo symbol clearly in your mind’s eye. Imagine its three parts: the top representing the crown chakra, the middle representing the heart, and the bottom representing the root chakra. See the illustration below for guidance.

  1. Start with the Top Part: Using your dominant hand (usually your right hand), begin drawing the symbol from the top. Draw a straight line downward, starting slightly above your head and ending below your chin. It represents a connection to higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.
  2. Draw the Middle Part: Draw a horizontal line extending to the right from the bottom of the first line. It represents the heart chakra and symbolizes love, compassion, and interconnectedness.
  3. Complete with the bottom Part: Draw a diagonal line downward to the left from the end of the horizontal line. This represents the root chakra, which signifies grounding spiritual energy and connecting it to the physical world. Consider taking an online chakra course to practice this and learn more about the chakras.
  4. Repeat for Perfection: If needed, repeat the drawing process until you are satisfied with the symbol’s symmetry and alignment. Remember, intention and focus are key to infusing the symbol with healing energy.
  5. Activate the Symbol: Once drawn, activate the Dai Ko Myo symbol by visualizing it glowing with bright, healing light. You can gently tap or blow on the symbol to activate it further.
  6. Use with Intention: Now that the Dai Ko Myo symbol is activated, it is ready for healing purposes. You can place your hands over the symbol to channel its energy or visualize it being transmitted to yourself or others for healing and spiritual growth.

Drawing the Dai Ko Myo symbol is a sacred act that should be performed with reverence and respect. Trust your intuition and allow the symbol’s energy to guide you as you draw it. 

How To Use Dai Ko Myo

In the self-treatment and treatment of others, practitioners activate Dai Ko Myo and other symbols on palms and chakras, including transpersonal and secondary energetic centers. To establish a protective barrier, Dai Ko Myo is activated on the body’s front and back, promoting the healing of mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies while filtering out negative energies. 

To enhance spiritual connection, practitioners activate Dai Ko Myo on the soul star and crown chakras to deepen your connection with yourself and divine energies. Stimulating the heart chakra involves applying Dai Ko Myo to cleanse the soul, utilizing a specific sequence for optimal results. 

During meditation, practitioners visualize a large Dai Ko Myo above and around them for psychic protection and elevated vibration. Practitioners draw a large Dai Ko Myo and walk through it to cleanse energetic fields and restore energy.

To support Reiki healing, Dai Ko Myo is used as a patch of light for wounds and combined with other symbols to aid the healing process. Practitioners hold their hands over the area to seal the process.

These diverse applications showcase the versatility and potency of Dai Ko Myo in Reiki practice, offering Reiki practitioners many ways to harness its healing and transformative energies.


Reiki symbols can unlock and amplify our healing energy, leading to a more balanced and harmonious life. These Reiki symbols and their meanings are not just drawings; they are keys to a world of profound healing and personal growth. As you explore and incorporate them into your Reiki practice, you start a process that can bring about positive changes in your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. To learn much more about Reiki symbols, consider getting a Reiki certification online!