Meditation Reduces Stress

5 Ways Meditation Reduces Stress on the Body

Meditation is something people always recommend if you’re feeling stressed out by your work or just everyday life. It is said to give peace and help calm your body down. However, many people might not know the good properties of meditation. What are some ways meditation reduces stress on the body?

5 ways meditation can reduce stress on the body include:

  • Brings thoughts into the present moment
  • Controlled breathing slows heart rate
  • It helps us create a separation
  • Reminds us to create me time
  • Can be used to create healthy narratives

If you want to know more about these five ways meditation reduces stress on the body, check out this article. You can also learn how much meditation reduces stress if you’re thinking about using this method of relaxation.

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Is Meditation a Good Way to Relieve Stress?

Meditation can be calming and peaceful if you allow it to be. You need to close your eyes and let go of the stress to be able to embrace your inner peace. 

Meditation can help to encourage a deep state of relaxation. As you meditate, you focus your mind on calming thoughts and let go of racing or unhelpful thoughts in favor of peace and balance, which can result in a state of relaxation. 

How Much Does Meditation Reduce Stress?

Meditation can genuinely help decrease stress. When you meditate, you clear your mind. It helps to eliminate the information overload that can contribute significantly to stress. 

Some of the benefits of meditation and how it reduces stress:

  • It helps you learn skills to control your stress levels
  • Decreasing negative emotions
  • It helps ground you and keep you in the moment
  • It helps lower blood pressure
  • It helps give you a better perspective on stressful situations
  • It helps to improve your sleep

Meditating reduces physical and emotional stress by learning to have a calm body and mind. It will bring you to a better place mentally and uplift your mood. It helps reverse your body’s stress response so that you can physically relax. 

Meditation affects the body by triggering the body’s relaxation response, which eliminates your stress hormones. It transports the mind back to a tranquil state, which helps the body repair and prevents any more stress-related damage. Meditation is a terrific way to relieve stress and free your mind.

5 Ways Meditation Reduces Stress on the Body

There are many ways that meditation reduces stress on the body. It can work wonders when it comes to changing your perspective and creating a positive outlook. The following includes the five ways that meditation can reduce stress: 

1. Brings Thoughts Into the Present Moment

The inability to stay in the present moment can increase your stress and anxiety. All that stress in the body triggers increased levels of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. If you are stressed out much of the time, it can cause serious health issues. Therefore, staying in the moment is essential for not getting too anxious about what might happen or any problems you are having. 

You want to live in the moment and implement practices like mindfulness and meditation to help you. When you meditate, you quickly learn how to dismiss negative thoughts. It is the simple recognition that life happens in the moment, and you learn to focus on that aspect and embrace it. 

Meditation Reduces Stress

2. Controlled Breathing Slows Heart Rate

When you breathe slowly in and out the proper way, expand your lungs and slow yourself down, you reduce stress and lower your heart rate. Research shows that individuals who practice meditation are substantially less likely to have a heart attack or stroke or die within five years. 

Controlled breathing will:

  • Lower heart rate
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Help breathing rate
  • Assist with oxygen consumption
  • Lower adrenaline levels
  • Lower levels of cortisol

There are various forms of meditation that you can benefit from. You can start with mindfulness meditation, which means learning to live in the present moment. It is easy to learn how to meditate. You must find the perfect quiet spot, clear your mind, and practice controlled breathing. (Follow the link to learn about the 5 ways breathwork helps with stress.)

3. It Helps Us Create a Separation

Meditation helps us to create a separation between racing thoughts and the self. Racing thoughts are not productive. They can put you in a negative state of mind if you allow them to. For example, it has been shown that meditation repeatedly helps people who struggle with addiction issues and have repetitive thoughts. 

Practicing meditation each day teaches you to return to your breath or body each time you have a distracting thought. Once you master this skill, you can focus on other things and get on with your day. It is a great way to keep you grounded and not have those perpetual racing thoughts. 

4. Reminds Us to Create Me Time

Meditating allows us to create time throughout the day. It would help if you carved out a time in your day that works for you. Whatever time you choose to practice meditation, know that it is your me time, which means finding a quiet space with no distractions. Turn off the phone and release your mind. Reflection reminds us to create time by giving us a safe place to relax and unwind. 

Meditation is a fantastic way to give yourself a particular time of day when it is okay to relax and be yourself. You practice at the moment, and you accept the moment for what it is. It is a time of day when you get to breathe deeply and let it all go. 

5. Can Be Used to Create Healthy Narratives

Meditation can be used to help with debilitating conditions, such as trauma or post-traumatic disorder. It can help if you are physically reliving the trauma. Again, it keeps you at the moment. It can also help improve your sleep, such as if you have nightmares about your trauma. Guided meditation helps to visualize a safe place for you in your mind. 

Inner child healing is a powerful meditation that will release deep emotional blockages and pain from the past. Suppose you have negative emotions associated with childhood trauma. In that case, meditation can be a handy tool to help bring you out of the reliving of it all, and it can be highly healing.


Meditation is a great way to relieve stress and live in the moment. If you are eager to do the work, you will find that you can reap numerous benefits.