yoga business ideas

7 Practical and Uplifting Yoga Business Ideas

There are so many avenues for a yoga business owner. And, yes, you may love teaching yoga, but there is an untapped market out there, just waiting for your excellent yoga business ideas.

If you run a yoga business and are worried about the near future or even a few years, sit down and try to think of what you are good at. Quite a few yogis also have great creative sides to them. Have you thought about designing items that yoga practitioners could use? If not, maybe it’s time to. If you’ve always wanted a mat that doesn’t move when you practice yoga, or you’d like a softer material used on your yoga outfits, well, instead of wishing, why not look into seeing what it takes to design those items yourself? There could be money in your idea, and despite trying to be non-materialistic, you must pay your bills to run your business successfully.

There’s so much more to running a yoga business than teaching yoga. Maybe it’s time you figure out what else you are good at. Your ideas could be worth money and success.

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7 Practical And Uplifting Yoga Business Ideas

If you’re studying to be a yoga teacher or you’ve already started your own yoga business, you may be wondering about differing career paths in the yoga world. Of course, there is teaching online, teaching for private clients, teaching classes for a business or owning your own yoga business. But, what else is out there?

New yoga business ideas are popping up every day. You’ll see new products and merchandise aimed at yoga practitioners coming out all the time. There are retreats, both in tropical settings and right down the street with so many yoga retreat in the US, designed so yogis can get away from it all and immerse themselves in their yoga practice.

Or you could go the high-tech route and thing of some great apps that will a hit with the yoga crowd. Your apps could teach yoga students about philosophy or poses or could guide people through a quick meditation.

Another great yoga business idea is to begin writing a blog, articles for magazines or even a book, especially if you believe you have important yoga information to pass on, why not get your ideas published? A blog is a great way to keep readers up to date about the yoga world, new yoga merchandise and even schedules and class descriptions for your yoga business.

There are so many more great yoga business ideas and we’re going to be talking about them in this article. We’ll discuss all the different ways you can expand your yoga business and talk about how you can work in the yoga world without teaching yoga or even in addition to teaching yoga.

So, read on as we discuss the 7 Practical And Uplifting Yoga Business Ideas and how you can implement them to achieve fulfilment and success!

1. Retreats

Instead of or in addition to teaching regular yoga classes, you could run a yoga retreat. What would a yoga treat organized by you look like? Would it have an elaborate theme? Would it be mixed with another sport, like yoga and biking or yoga and running, or would it be a retreat from the busy and hectic modern day? A chance to get away from it all and immerse yourself and your students into the peacefulness of nature? There are plenty of retreat centers that will rent out part or all of their facilities for private retreats. It will take some organization; it may be better if you have someone who could help you rent the space, advertise throughout the yoga community via email, flyers, etc., and sign up eager retreat goers. To organize a yoga retreat, you’ll need to address some important issues:


As the organizer and host, you will need to create a schedule that allows not just for yoga classes but also relaxation; it is a getaway, after all. Also, decide if you’ll just hold yoga classes or you’ll also have seminars and talks about yogic topics, such as Ayurveda, chakras, etc. It will be up to you to make sure the schedule works as well as a yoga sequence that fits the class need. That a drum circle isn’t schedule to be right next door to a yin yoga class.


When looking at a space to hold a retreat, inquire if the location has rooms that could be used for yoga classes. Or, if the weather cooperates, check to see if there is an outdoor space that could be used for a yoga class or meditation.


If the location is tucked away in nature, are there convenient transportation options to get to the retreat. Would it be a long drive from an airport? Is there public transportation nearby?

Yoga Teachers

You probably won’t be teaching each class. You’ll have to hire teachers or speakers for the retreat. Think about where you will find teachers for the retreat. Do you have teachers at your yoga business who would be interested? Or do you have contacts in the yoga world who may want to work at a retreat?

2. Outdoor Yoga

In warm climates, or during the summer in cold climates, you could teach yoga outside. Yoga outside in a park on a nice day can be relaxing and inspiring. Just imagine, teaching a class in dappled sunlight with birds chirping the background. Your students will come away feeling healthier and their spirits will be lighter. Or, if you are in the city, why not try some rooftop yoga. Give your students a bit of nature in a metropolitan environment. Outdoor yoga is more peaceful, and it allows students to feel more connected to the earth.

3. Yoga Business Consulting

If you’ve gone as far as you can with your yoga studio, or you want to take a break from managing a business, why not try your hand at consulting other prospective yoga business owners. Tracy Columbus of Columbus & Company Consulting helps clients navigate the confusing world of partnerships, marketing, strategy and products to meet their yoga business goals. You could also help yoga business create a yoga business plan and strategize the key steps to their success. Running workshops to aid people in starting yoga businesses could also be a great yoga business idea. Talk with your local library about renting some space to hold workshops.

4. Create your own yoga/meditation apps.

Maybe you have a great idea for app that gives people daily yogic quotes to inspire them. Or perhaps you want to offer a meditation app to help people relax. Well, if you are a techie or you know someone who is, you could enter the new world of yoga apps. And, if you think that yoga and meditation apps aren’t popular, the Headspace meditation app has over 1 million subscribers! When you’re thinking up yoga business ideas, figure out what you’d like to see in an app. Maybe a reminder to meditate. Or an app that demonstrates yoga poses. The sky’s the limit.

5. Music festivals

It you want to stretch your wings in the world of yoga, why not get into attending or hosting a yoga music festival? Your yoga business could have a table or space at a festival to sell items branded with your logo or to showcase yoga techniques and run classes. Having such a large audience will allow you to introduce yoga to a great deal of people, and you may attract new clients to your yoga studio. Check out the Wanderlust Festival for a great example of a wildly popular yoga a music gathering. Get your feet wet first and start by attending some popular yoga music festivals before you decide to run your own. See what you’ll be getting yourself into, first.

6. Write for yoga magazines, newspapers or blogs or even write your own book

If you’ve got a knack for word-smithing, you could share your yogic knowledge to readers of yoga magazines, newspapers and blogs. Why not share what you know? It would be free advertising for your yoga studio or yoga business, and it would allow you to share your love of yoga to readers worldwide. Or, another yoga business idea is to write your own book. Perhaps you feel very strongly about a type of yoga, Ayurveda or meditation and want to share what you know and inspire others. Again, writing a book could be good publicity for your existing yoga business and would allow you to spread the word of something you are passionate about.

7. Market retail yoga products

If you have a head for marketing, and have some great ideas for products, you could start a line of yoga products to be sold at your studio or at retail locations. A practitioner of yoga is one of the best people to offer the next great development in yoga mats. And that developer could be you. Or, do you have ideas for comfortable yoga clothes, yoga items such as blocks, or health and beauty items such as body creams? You can take your ideas to a marketing firm and plan them into existence. Brainstorm about what items you think your yoga students would be interested in. You could even invest in market research. You never know, your dream product could be a game-changer that everyone wants.

Brainstorming for success

As you now know, there are endless possibilities in the world of yoga. All you need are some great yoga business ideas. Figure out how you want to spread your wings. Do you want to go into marketing branded items? Have you thought about developing and manufacturing candles, health and wellness items or yoga attire? And when you’ve got some ideas, you could find a marketing firm near you to help make your dreams a reality. There are many marketing firms out there that can take your product from a sketch on a piece of paper to a fully formed item, ready to be sold. And, when it comes to selling, that same marketing firm can find an audience for your product and help you sell it.

Or, if you dream about taking students away on a tropical retreat and teach them relaxing yoga class, giving lectures about aspects of the yogic work, and just being away from the stress of real life, with some hard work that we talk about above, you could achieve that dream. There’s a lot to think about when organizing a retreat, but when it all goes well, it can be a magical experience.

And, we’ve all gone to summer music festivals. Add yoga to a music festival and you’ve got the perfect mixture of chill vibes and peaceful people. And, as well discussed above, there are a couple of possibilities. You could host your own yoga music festival if you’re ambitious. Or, you could attend a festival as a business owner, and operate a booth and give yoga demonstrations. You never know, you could change someone’s life by demonstrating yoga to them. You could send them on their own yoga path.

You may even have other great yoga business ideas and now is the time to start working on them. Don’t wait too long. You don’t want anyone to have the same idea and corner the market. Good luck and get brainstorming!