Ultimate Guide to the Best Biohacking Supplements Online

Ultimate Guide to the Best Biohacking Supplements Online

Biohacking is a new trend that involves using supplements to improve your overall health, from brain function to regulation. However, there are so many supplements on the market today, it can be hard to determine which supplements can most benefit your health and your specific wellness needs.

What are some of the best biohacking supplements and products? There are a wide variety of biohacking supplements that can benefit your mind and body, ranging from products found in foods to those in pharmaceuticals.

The following information will help you understand the basis of biohacking, biohacking supplements, and which of those supplements is best fit for what your health goals are.

What is Biohacking?

Biohacking is a term that describes the active use of select supplements and/or making small lifestyle changes to improve your overall health and well-being. In general, biohacking is often referred to as “Do-it-Yourself Biology,” as many biohacking methods involve natural supplements or solutions that you can take advantage of from home.  If you really want to dig deep into the field and even seek out certification check out our article on the best biohacking courses online.

Uses for Biohacking

Biohacking can be used to improve many facets of your health, including:

  • Mental Health
  • Emotional Health
  • Physical Health

Categories of Biohacking

There are several areas of biohacking, but there are three main categories they fall under. Each category targets different areas of health and wellness. 


Nutrigenomics is a common area of biohacking that “focuses on how the food you eat interacts with your genes”

The idea behind nutrigenomics is that you can improve your body’s genetic expression based on the nutrients you take in. Nutrigenomics helps define which nutrients can affect how you can think, feel, and behave.

Nutrigenomics can help your health by decreasing your risk of developing genetically predisposed conditions. It can also help you achieve mental, emotional, or physical changes, such as lessening depression symptoms or losing weight. Finally, nutrigenomics can aid in optimizing regular bodily functions, like regulating blood pressure or the bacteria found in your gut.  Kickstart this biohacking technique by looking more closely at our recommendations for the best gut supplements online.  

DIY Biology

DIY biology is an area of biohacking that involves experimentation based on various tips and techniques from those with scientific backgrounds.  


Grinder is a biohacking “subculture that sees every part of the human body as hack-able ”  The goal behind “grinding” is to optimize your body and its functions as much as possible through gadgets, implants, or chemical means.

What are Biohacking Supplements? 

Biohacking supplements are products regularly consumed (either daily, weekly, or by some other set schedule) to help improve your health. Think of biohacking supplements like daily vitamins.

There are six groups of biohacking supplements. These supplement groups target different areas of your health:

(links are to check current prices of supplements by category at Amazon)

Biohacking Guide: The Best Biohacking Supplements

Biohacking can provide many benefits for your overall wellness and health, but only when done in an informed, responsible way. The following guide will review the best biohacking supplements and products on the market and how they work, so you are more knowledgeable about your options.

Memory and Focus Supplements

The following biohacking products are ideal for boosting your cognitive health, specifically your memory and focus.

  • Blueberries – Biohacking supplements containing blueberries naturally help protect your brain health. What makes blueberries ideal supplements is that they do not negatively interact with other medications. However, the benefits don’t just stop at the supplement; natural, fresh or frozen blueberries work just as effectively!
  • Bacopa Monnieri – Bacopa Monnieri is a type of plant that is commonly found in traditional Indian medicine. It is known for its memory and focus-boosting properties. Those who start taking bacopa monnieri-based supplements typically notice a difference in their memory and focus after a month.
  • Caffeine with Theanine – A caffeine and theanine combination can aid with focus when taken about thirty minutes before you begin an attention-demanding task. When taking caffeine-theanine supplements, make sure you take them earlier in the day; avoid taking any sort of caffeine supplement (or caffeine in general) six hours before you plan to go to bed. The caffeine can affect your sleep.
    • It is also possible to become dependent on caffeine-theanine supplements; at this point, you may notice that your body is not as responsive to the supplements as when you first began taking them. This is often the case for those who regularly take the supplements or already drink caffeinated tea or coffee often.
  • Cholinergics – Cholinergic supplements are designed to help improve neurotransmitter activity. This is especially useful for those who want to increase memory and attention span. It is often recommended for older patients of dementia.
  • Creatine – Creatine acts as a type of fuel for brain cells to burn, so it is often found in supplements used for memory and focus benefits.
  • Fish Oil/Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Fish oil, or omega-3 fatty acids, generally show positive health benefits. Oils that come from fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, and cod, are the healthiest for brain health.
  • Uridine – Uridine is an essential nutrient used to create neural membranes in the brain. Early studies suggest that uridine may help enhance neural growth and possibly improve cognition. Uridine is not often present in foods but can be found in select supplements.

Sleep Biohacking Supplements

There are two types of sleeping issues that can be addressed with biohacking supplements: trouble falling asleep and difficulty waking up. The following supplements are most commonly used for related sleep conditions.  The reason biohacking has moved into this space is because sleeping is essential to brain health.

These are the supplements.

  • Magnesium – Sleep deficiency often stems from a low level of magnesium in the body. Magnesium naturally presents itself in various foods, from fish to green vegetables. However, magnesium supplements are useful in that they metabolize in the body quickly, making them especially effective when taken right before it’s time for bed.
  • Melatonin – Melatonin is a natural hormone that helps support your natural circadian rhythm (also known as your sleeping rhythm). The circadian rhythm is responsible for maintaining your sleep and wake cycle.
    • Whenever you go to bed, your melatonin levels are supposed to rise to fall asleep regularly, but once you wake up, they drop. So, when it comes to taking melatonin supplements, taking them right before bed is the most ideal time to do so; they can help you fall asleep faster.
  • Lavender – Commonly used in aromatherapy, lavender can offer a calming effect to help ease you into sleep faster. Used as a supplement, often times in the form of a lavender spray, lavender offers more immediate results when taken before going to bed.
  • Lemon Balm – Similar to lavender, lemon balm supplements produces relaxing effects that also aid in your sleep.
  • Valerian – Valerian is a type of root that has traditionally been used as a sleeping aid. Taken in supplement form, it can help you fall asleep faster and feel like you’ve had a full night’s rest.

Allergies and Immunity Supplements

Allergies and colds are very common, and, unfortunately, can be quite the hassle to deal with. However, there are quite a few biohacking supplements that can help with immune function to ensure you are less likely to feel under the weather during seasonal changes.

  • Garlic – Garlic boosts your white cells, allowing them to fight off colds and infections more effectively. Although garlic supplements do not necessarily help relieve cold or allergy symptoms, they can work well as a preventive treatment.
    • Garlic can also function as a biohacker for lowering blood pressure and reducing the chances of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Vitamin C – You probably already knew that vitamin C works to support immune function, but do note that it works the best when taken regularly as a supplement—before you have the chance to get sick!
  • Colloidal Silver – Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic that supports immune function and helps fight bacteria and viruses.
  • Echinacea – An herb most often found in the form of tea, echinacea is known to help strengthen the immune system and reduce the chances of developing a cold.
  • Elderberries – There are a few theories surrounding elderberries and their immune-boosting benefits. For one, it is said that they may have antiviral properties that could help reduce cold and allergy symptoms.
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) – NAC supplements are helpful in reducing congestion by thinning mucus. With this effect, these supplements can also allow you to have more productive coughs.
    • In addition, NAC can also help those with general upper respiratory issues, especially in those with asthma.
  • Pelargonium Sidoides – Pelargonium sidoides is a type of plant that has the ability to prevent bacteria from affecting the lungs and throat. This is especially beneficial for those experiencing upper respiratory problems such as bronchitis.
  • Spirulina – Spirulina is a type of algae that offers various anti-inflammatory properties. It is the ideal supplement for those experiencing inflamed or infected nasal passages or allergies.
  • Tinospora Cordifolia – The tinospora cordifolia is an herb that has been used in traditional medicine to help stimulate immune function. It works similarly to garlic supplements.
  • Zinc – Zinc is an important mineral your body needs in order to support your immune system.

Cardiovascular Health Supplements

Your heart requires just as much care as the rest of your body! The following are a list of common biohacking supplements that support heart health:

  • Cocoa – By cocoa, we don’t just mean any type of chocolate; only that containing at least 75% cocoa or more applies here. Studies have shown that cocoa helps improve the body’s blood flow and reduces heart rate.
  • Nitrates – Similar to cocoa, nitrates help in lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow.
  • Carnitine – Carnitine supplements help prevent heart function abnormalities and support healthy blood circulation.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) – This antioxidant functions similarly to a vitamin but helps in maintaining heart health.
  • D-Ribose – This naturally occurring sugar molecule in our body helps provide fuel to our cells, which is especially useful for the heart and general function.
  • Grape Seed – Grape seed supplements stabilize your body’s nitric oxide levels, which helps lower your blood pressure. Grape seed is also recommended in reducing high cholesterol levels.
  • Pine Bark – Like other heart-healthy biohacks, pine bark helps regulate nitric oxide levels in addition to prevent the blood vessels from narrowing.
  • Resveratrol – Resveratrol is used to help reduce blood pressure.
  • Taurine – Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid that helps maintain cell membranes in addition to regulating your heartbeat.
  • Venotropics – Ventropics usually fall under the category of biohacking pharmaceuticals but can also be found as a supplement without the need for a prescription. Ventroipcs are primarily used to target the veins to help speed up the rate at which the blood goes back to the heart.
  • Vitamin K – Vitamin K supplements help prevent the risks of blood clotting, resulting in a reduction of cardiovascular risk.

Fat Loss Supplements

Many supplement providers will imply that their fat loss products will help with weight loss. However, it is important to understand that fat loss is not to be considered the same as weight loss. The following supplements are meant to aid in fat loss specifically to lead to a healthier body mass.

  • 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) – This amino acid reduces your cravings for carbs.
  • EGCG – Often found in green tea, EGCG is a good fat burner.
  • Fiber – Fiber can quickly fill you up, reducing additional food cravings. Fiber can also help clean out your digestive system and remove toxins in the stomach and intestines.
  • Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) – Often found as a type of “anti-fat” in substances such as coconut oil, MCTs generate more heat in the body, allowing you to burn more fat, faster.
  • P-Synephrine – P-Synephrine is a biohacking pharmaceutical used to increase your body’s metabolic rate and aids in fat loss.
  • Yohimbine – Naturally found in tree bark, yohimbine supplements increases your adrenaline levels to burn stubborn fat deposits.

Muscle and Strength Gain Supplements

If your goal is to gain more, strong muscle, the following biohacking supplements are for you. Note that many of these supplements work best when paired with regular exercise and weightlifting practices.  

  • Carbohydrates – Carbs provide muscles with fast boosts of energy when consumed in moderation.
  • Creatine – Creatine supplements allow you to lift more weight while increasing your muscle endurance.
  • Nitrates – Nitrate supplements are useful in speeding up the muscle recovery period, reducing the level of soreness you may feel following a workout.
  • Protein – Protein is necessary for optimal muscle growth and performance.
  • Sugar – Your body requires sugar in order to deliver energy to the muscles. This is especially important for heavy weightlifters.
  • Ashwagandha – The ashwagandha is a type of plant thought to lower fatigue levels in the muscles and overall body when taken before a workout routine. It may also help increase strength and muscle mass. 
  • Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) – There are theories around BCAAs that suggest that they may be able to help stimulate protein synthesis, which results in muscle growth and decreased soreness.
  • β-Hydroxy β-methylbutyric acid (HMB) – HMB supplements helps reduce muscle breakdown following an intense workout, especially if you have not consumed enough protein.

Other Biohacking Methods

Besides supplements, there are also alternatives which are some of the best biohacks that can help improve your health: 


Nootropic supplements are used to help improve cognitive function in the brain, from your mood to your attention span. They are common supplements due to how accessible they are from grocery stores. They are also more often used because they tend to work quickly compared to other types of supplements.


When it comes to which type of nootropic is the best biohacking supplement, you’d be surprised to learn that caffeine works quite well (and serves as its own nootropic!). It’s known to be a good productivity booster when taken in moderation.

In addition to brain function, caffeine can also help burn fat.

Elimination Diet

Elimination diets are just as the name suggests. It involves removing a specific food from your diet for a few weeks, and then gradually reintroducing it into your diet to see how its absence and later presence affects your body.

This is a common biohacking method for those who want to identify specific food allergies or other foods that may be causing discomfort or inflammation. If the reintroduction of the food results in symptoms such as rashes or breakouts, fatigue, stomach pain, diarrhea or any other abnormal symptom, it is likely you have an allergy to it.

Blue Light

Blue light is more commonly known to have adverse effects on the body, but it does have a few benefits (in moderation). Just one to three hours of sunlight can help boost your mood and improve cognitive function.

However, this doesn’t mean that staring at your computer screen in any capacity is good for you; when we’re referring to blue light, we’re specifically talking about blue light that comes directly from the sun. In other words, a little extra time outside in the sun can help you (as long as you’re wearing the appropriate amount of SPF 15 or higher sunscreen, of course)!

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a type of Biohacking Diet that involves eating during certain times of the day, followed by an extended fasting period before your next meal. For example, you may only eat between the hours of 9am to 6pm, and then fast until 9am the next day.

Fasting in this way offers its fair share of benefits. For one, it helps lower insulin levels so that your body can burn fat more efficiently. It also allows your body more time to repair damaged tissues rather than spend that time focusing on digestion. Some studies have shown that intermittent fasting may also help protect you from diseases like cancer.

Natural Biohacking

There are also multiple natural biohacks that are just as equally effective in improving health, such as: 

  • Sleeping
  • Spending Time in Nature
  • Meditation
  • Exercising
  • Eating Healthy

Conclusion: Do Biohacks Work?  

Biohacking has become fairly common among those who want to give their health a boost. However, some question whether taking biohacking supplements or biohacking pharmaceuticals are worth the benefits. Some even wonder if biohacks actually work. 

In conclusion, biohacking supplements are completely safe in moderation and with the right guidance from a licensed nutritionist or doctor. It is always recommended that you do see a nutritionist if you plan on altering your diet or taking supplements that you may not be familiar with. Additionally, getting a blood test done from your nutritionist or primary care physician will also be useful in helping you understand what your body is lacking in nutrients and vitamins to help guide your supplement choices.

Biohacking supplements offer many benefits: besides providing your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to function correctly, they can make you feel a lot better and healthier, both inside and out!